Development of neutrons as entangled quantum probes
We recently completed an experiment on LARMOR at ISIS that proved that each individual neutron prepared for a Spin Echo Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SESANS) measurement is in... -
Effect of external pressure on the magnetic structure of Fe-doped MnNiGe alloys
Magnetic equiatomic alloys (MEAs) of the general formula MM'X (M, M' = transition metals, X = Si, Ge, Sn) undergo magnetostructural transition of martensitic type on cooling... -
Is CuO multiferroic at room temperatures under high pressure ?
Two recent high profile theoretical studies predict the existence of room temperature multiferroicity in CuO at high pressures. If confirmed experimentally, this would represent... -
Unravelling spin fluctuation components in a stripe-ordered cuprate
In previous experiments at ILL we observed a gap in the magnetic excitation spectrum of the stripe-ordered superconductor (La,Nd)2-xSrxCuO4, x=0.12. We observed a spin gap of... -
Quantum Entanglement of Neutron Spin, Path and Energy
What does a quantum particle do when you are not looking at it? For a classical moving object, like a golf ball, we know its trajectory even when we are not looking at it. This... -
Shear controlled crystallisation of low molar mass compound in a polymer matrix
The aim of this experiment is to explore a very recent discovery made by ourselves that shear flow can suppress the nucleation and growth of crystals of specific low molar mass... -
Textured magnetic phases at a ferromagnetic quantum phase transition
Quantum critically is a unifying theme across correlated electron physics. Classical or thermal phase transitions occur at nonzero temperature and are driven by thermal... -
In Situ Inelastic Neutron Scattering Studies of Gas-Loaded Porous Framework S...
We request 12 days on TOSCA to study the interaction of adsorbed N2, CO2, CH4 and NO with a hydroxyl-decorated aluminium-based MOF NOTT-300. This proposed study will investigate... -
Investigation of molecular rotation and disorder in methylamine borane (CH3NH...
We request 3 days on TOSCA to study molecular rotations of NH4+ and BH4- ions and the ionic disorder in ammonium borohydride (rock salt lattice) and its methylated derivative.... -
The nature of excitations in a molecular Haldane system
It is well known that an S = 1 antiferromagnetic spin chain is predicted to have a quantum disordered ground state and a gap in its excitation spectrum. This so-called Haldane... -
Tuning the Magnetic Properties of γ-Fe2O3 Fe3O4 Thin Films for Atom Tr...
In this work we will investigate how the magnetic properties of nanometer thick iron-oxide films can be manipulated by heating them in air. Our preliminary results indicate that...