Data associated to the paper "A genomic map of climate adaptation in Mediterr...
This dataset consists of genotypes of 640 animals for 39921 variants (SNPs). Animals belong to 21 Mediterranean cattle populations. The compressed archive contains two files (in... -
Typology of European livestock production areas
This typology of European livestock production areas was made during the collective scientific assessment of the 'Role, impacts and services provided by European livestock... -
GestCO2, heat, carbon and water budgets of a broiler batch (ROSS 308): observ...
Models of heat production of broilers are used to design the thermal equipment to optimize climate control. The reference models are now around fifteen years old. Daily values... -
Baicalin project
Baicalin study related to peer journal submission -
Thésaurus INRAE
Open and shared thesaurus covering INRAE's research fields. It serves as a repository within the institute to index and annotate documents, web pages, activity descriptions and... -
Data on cow activity in relation to health and welfare
This dataset contains hours per hours the activity level of cows on four farms. These data were used in Wagner et al. 2021. The dataset contains 4 files, one for each farm.... -
Agriculture et systèmes d'élevage
Ce vocabulaire français-anglais définit 89 concepts d'agronomie. Chaque concept est clairement défini et accompagné d'équivalents anglais dans leur contexte. -
Données de pâturage des vaches nourrices avec les génisses et des génisses ap...
L’expérimentation-système mise en place sur l’installation expérimentale (IE) de l’unité de recherche INRAE ASTER de Mirecourt est un dispositif mené à l’échelle de... -
Individual Data Repository -
Gene ontology of hepatic differentially abundant proteins during the transiti...
Longitudinal liver proteome collected at 4 time points (d -21, +1, +28, and +63 relative to parturition) from Holstein cows treated with abomasal infusions of coconut oil (CTRL)... -
Annotation data about Multi Criteria Assessment Methods used in Animal Physio...
This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment Methods proposed in the scientific literature by INRA researchers belonging to the Animal... -
MeatPartTool Software: code source
This zip file corresponds to the source code of the MeatPartTool software. The code is in Python and is free to access. -
Agricultural specialization is linked with negative environmental impact. The SYNERGY bio-economic model studies promising levers to limit these impacts: expand of legumes... -
Supplemental Tables for Manzocchi et al., 2021. Feeding cows with hay, silage...
This dataset contains Supplemental Tables S1 to S3 for Manzocchi et al., 2021. Feeding cows with hay, silage, or fresh herbage on pasture or indoors affects sensory properties... -
Annotation data about Multi Criteria Assessment Methods used in the agri-food...
This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment Methods proposed in the scientific literature by INRA researchers. -
Yield of bovine carcasses
This dataset describes weights of animals and of their carcasses to calculate carcasse yield for different bovine breeds and animal types -
Supporting data for "Milk metabolome reveals variations on enteric methane em...
Supplementary information containing figures, tables and tabulated data for "Milk metabolome reveals variations on enteric methane emissions from dairy cows fed a specific... -
Meal test
Data from E789 : meal test procedures.Data are obtained from a subset of pigs from E789 abd consisted in concentrations of diverse metabolites measured in serial blood samplings... -
Dataset: Lipids, antioxidants and color of meat from cull-cows
This data set presents values of the fatty acids composition and of indicators of lipid oxidation determined in the Longissimus dorsi and Semitendinosus of Normand cull-cows at... -
Distribution of 4654 cows milk proteins among different milk fractions
The “milk fractions” dataset informs on protein location in a specific or several milk fractions.