Thésaurus INRAE
Open and shared thesaurus covering INRAE's research fields. It serves as a repository within the institute to index and annotate documents, web pages, activity descriptions and... -
Data on cow activity in relation to health and welfare
This dataset contains hours per hours the activity level of cows on four farms. These data were used in Wagner et al. 2021. The dataset contains 4 files, one for each farm.... -
Dataset of Ixodes ricinus ticks in mainland France (CLIMATICK and CC-EID proj...
The database represents the number of nymphs of Ixodes ricinus collected monthly by the dragging method on routes identified in wooded areas for 8 observatories corresponding to... -
Gene ontology and functional enrichment analysis of plasma differentially abu...
The plasma's proteomics data obtained from Holstein cows treated with abomasal infusions of coconut oil (CTRL) or a mixture of essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic... -
Gene ontology of hepatic differentially abundant proteins during the transiti...
Longitudinal liver proteome collected at 4 time points (d -21, +1, +28, and +63 relative to parturition) from Holstein cows treated with abomasal infusions of coconut oil (CTRL)... -
Annotation data about Multi Criteria Assessment Methods used in Animal Physio...
This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment Methods proposed in the scientific literature by INRA researchers belonging to the Animal... -
Données de réplication pour comportement des cailles en isolateur
Ce jeu de données provient d’une lignée de cailles japonaises dont le comportement et les capacités cognitives sont altérés par une procédure de stress modéré chronique. -
Data for BMC Vet Research
Data used for the publication BVET-D-20-01007R2 Identification of blood immune and metabolic indicators explaining the variability of growth of pigs under contrasted sanitary... -
Annotation data about Multi Criteria Assessment Methods used in the agri-food...
This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment Methods proposed in the scientific literature by INRA researchers. -
This version OntoBiotope-BioNLP-OST is a subset of the OntoBiotope ontology. created for the Bacteria Biotope task of BioNLP-OST 2019 competition. OntoBiotope is an ontology of... -
Dataset : Plasma indicators of bovine health
This dataset reports the values of indicators of bovine health determined in the plasma of Normand cull-cows at different times of the about 100 days lasting finishing period... -
Annotation data about Multi Criteria Assessment Methods used in Animal Health...
This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment Methods proposed in the scientific literature by INRA researchers belonging to the Animal... -
Ici sont rassemblées les descriptions des dispositifs agroforestiers de l’expérimentation système OasYs, mise en œuvre à l’Unité Expérimentale Fourrages, Ruminants et... -
Extracellular vesicles produced by human and animal Staphylococcus aureus str...
The Extracellular Vesicle (EV) proteomes of five Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) strains originating from human, bovine, and ovine hosts were characterised thanks to... -
Impact of feeding strategies on young rabbit and its gut microbiota
You will find all the datasets presented in the study of Paës et al, "Establishment of hindgut bacterial ecosystems and acquisition of microbial functions in the infant rabbit:... -
Données article Fourrages "Novak et al. 2020"
Ce jeu de données est constitué des valeurs de compositions chimiques des feuilles de 31 espèces d’arbre, 14 espèces d’arbuste et 7 espèces de liane, ainsi que de 8 espèces... -
Supplemental data for "Open-source 3D printable frameless stereotactic system...
This dataset includes as a zip archive all the tools related to the paper entitled "Open-source 3D printable frameless stereotactic system for young and adult pigs" -
An updated catalog of genes and species of the pig gut microbiota
Dataset overview We built an updated catalog of 9.3M genes found in the pig gut microbiota. Co-abundant genes were binned in 1523 Metagenomic Species Pan-genomes (MSPs) for... -
A large panel of chicken cells are invaded in vivo by Salmonella Typhimurium ...
Poultry are the main source of human infection by Salmonella. As infected poultry are asymptomatic, the identification of infected poultry farms is difficult. Controlling animal... -
R-Syst: a network providing curated molecular databases and data analysis too...
R-Syst network deals about systematic and (meta) barcoding and provide curated molecular databases for species identification and provide tools for diagnosis and inventories....