Raw data from a wide-angle seismic survey in the Grenada Basin
The main objectives of the GARANTI cruise (Geodynamical conditions for Aves Ridge and the Lesser ANTIlles arc splitting) concern the geodynamic conditions that prevail during... -
EMODNet Geology - Formations superficielles de la Martinique
Carte des formations superficielles de la Martinique, à l'échelle 1 : 25 000, produite par la France dans le cadre du projet européen EMODnet Geology (phase 5, work-package 3).... -
Wide-angle seismic velocity models from the Grenada Basin
The Grenada back-arc basin is located between the Aves Ridge, which hosted the remnant Early Paleogene “Great Caribbean Arc”, and the Eocene to Present Lesser Antilles Arc....