SeaRanger 2024: Monitoring data recorded during RV ALKOR cruise AL607 - Stati...
This data contains monitoring data of the RV ALKOR cruise AL607 conducted in February 2024 (February 10th – February 16th) in the Western Baltic Sea by the University of... -
Gonad maturity stages of Ctenocalanus citer in the Southern Ocean
Females were stained in a Borax carmin solution for the exam- ination of the gonad maturation. Four different developmental stag- es of gonads were determined according to... -
Gonad maturity stages of Microcalanus spp. in the Southern Ocean
Females were stained in a Borax carmin solution for the exam- ination of the gonad maturation. Four different developmental stag- es of gonads were determined according to... -
Abundance of planktonic Calanoida (Copepoda, Crustacea) during POLARSTERN cru...
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Stomach content data of the orangeback squid Sthenoteuthis pteropus from samp...
The explanation list for the stomach fullness: 0 = empty; 1 = traces of food; 2 = less than half full; 3 = more than half full; 4 = full; 5 = crammed with walls... -
Stable isotope data of the orangeback squid Sthenoteuthis pteropus from sampl...
Maturation stage is listed in the paper: Lipinski MR, Underhill LG. Sexual maturation in squid: quantum or continuum? South African J Mar Sci. 1995; 15: 207-223.... -
Chlorophyll a measured on water bottle samples during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-X...
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Chlorophyll a measured on water bottle samples during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-X...
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Abundance of pteropods in the Makasar Strait during cruise CISKA2005
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Zooplankton abundance measured on Apstein net samples during cruise CISKA2005
Apstein net, meshsize 200 µm -
Chlorophyll a measured on water bottle samples during cruise CISKA2005
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Specific dissolution rates of biogenic silica submitted to mesozooplankton gr...
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Phytoplankton abundance at bottle station GOM5/4
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(Table 4) Fatty acid and fatty alcohol compositions (mass %) of Oithona simil...
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(Table 1) Fatty acid and fatty alcohol compositions (mass %) of Pseudocalanus...
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Nutrients measured on water bottle samples at station A8/3
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Physical oceanography at different bottle stations
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Oxygen measured on water bottle samples at station GOM5/4
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Oxygen measured on water bottle samples at station GOM5/3
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Oxygen measured on water bottle samples at station AS4/4
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