Inventeringar av den bentiska faunan på svenska västkusten
Data have been compiled from both historical and more recent inventories of the benthic fauna on the Swedish west coast. This catalogue post contains data from four different... -
Krycklans avrinningsområde
The Krycklan Catchment Study (KCS) is one of the most ambitious projects which integrate water quality, hydrology and aquatic ecology in running waters in the boreal region. KCS... -
Vattenkemidata från sjön Erken, 1989-2015
Water chemistry data from Erken from 1989 till 2015. The dataset also include data for the publication: Yang, Y., Pettersson, K. & Padisák, J. Hydrobiologia (2016)... -
Fytoplanktondata i sjön Erken, 1989-2011
Phytoplankton biomass data from Lake Erken 1989-2011 (species level). Weekly samples during ice-free period and monthly samples during ice-cover period. The Erken laboratory is... -
Calculating Essential Biodiversity Variables for species population abundance...
This data set contains the documentation of the BALTIC data set analysis as a part of the manuscript 'Building essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) of species distribution...