Schweizer Human-Relations Barometer 2014
The Swiss HR Barometer is a joint project run by the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and University of Lucerne. It is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and it has... -
Professional Paths Survey (ProPaS), Life Calendar module
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Befragung von Erwerbstätigen zu Werthaltungen, Arbeitstätigkeit sowie Vorstel...
The study covered the perceptions and wishes of the active population of Switzerland with regard to the organization of work and working hours. It allows for an analysis of... -
Academic career & social networks
This paper examines how gender proportions at the workplace affect the extent to which individual networks support the career progress (i.e. time to promotion). Previous studies... -
Befragung von Institutionen mit Aufgaben bezüglich der beruflichen Integratio...
The study focuses on the integration of disabled people into the primary labour market. Based on the assumption that inadequate professional integration is mainly due to... -
Nahtstellenbarometer 2023 Umfrage Jugendliche und Unternehmen
Dal 1997 al 2017, la SEFRI ha utilizzato il Barometro dell'apprendistato per determinare la situazione del mercato dell'apprendistato due volte l'anno attraverso sondaggi tra le... -
Enquête Parcours Professionnels - Vague 3 2014
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Nahtstellenbarometer 2020 Umfragen Jugendliche und Unternehmen
Dal 1997 al 2017, la SEFRI ha utilizzato il Barometro dell'apprendistato per determinare la situazione del mercato dell'apprendistato due volte l'anno attraverso sondaggi tra le... -
Facteurs liés aux douleurs du dos chez des employés d'une entreprise avec éva...
Study of the social, professional, biographical and psychological factors related to low back pain in the working population of a company as well as to the care consumption and... -
Career Tracker 2021 - Flexible Arbeitskräfte in der Schweiz
Flexible employees in the Gig Economy (including project-based temporary work and freelancing) enjoy the opportunity to shape their careers beyond the boundaries of a single... -
Nahtstellenbarometer 2018 Umfragen Jugendliche
Dal 1997 al 2017, la SEFRI ha utilizzato il Barometro dell'apprendistato per determinare la situazione del mercato dell'apprendistato due volte l'anno attraverso sondaggi tra le... -
Enquête Parcours Professionnels - Vague 4 2015
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Befragung von Frauen zu ihrer Arbeitsbiographie unter besonderer Berücksichti...
The study investigated the position of women in the context of work, employment and family. The emphasis has been placed on biographical aspects such as education and training,... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for... -
Befragung von Angestellten zur Arbeits- und Beschäftigungssituation - 2012
Die siebte Ausgabe des Schweizer Human-Relations-Barometer (HRBarometer) untersucht wie jedes Jahr die Arbeitsbeziehungen, die Arbeitsbedingungen sowie die Arbeitseinstellungen... -
Befragung von Betrieben im primären Arbeitsmarkt zur Integration von Behinde...
The study focuses on the integration of disabled people into the primary labour market. Based on the assumption that inadequate professional integration is mainly due to... -
Erfahrungen und Haltungen der Arbeitnehmendenorganisationen der Schweiz im Hi...
The evaluation mandate is based on a motion by National Councilor Vreni Hubmann (02.3142). Hubmann demanded that retaliatory firing in private law employment relationships... -
Professional Paths Survey (ProPaS), Wave 7 2018
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for...