Chronicisation des dorsalgies: facteurs psychosociaux et professionnels étudi...
The purpose of this research project is to analyze the prevalence, impact and progression of episodes of acute and chronic back pain in a population of hospital staff and to... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for... -
Musicdrops@work – Réponses aux questionnaires
The Musicdrops@work project aimed to study the impact of short live musical interventions in the context of work. Specifically, students from the Lausanne University of Music,... -
Arbeitszeiten, Technisierung von Haushalten, Freizeitsnutzung, Alltagsorganis...
As a result of the three poles of work, technology, and leisure, the social time structure is under pressure and dissolution. On the one hand, the project investigated the... -
Schweizer Human-Relations-Barometer 2018
Le baromètre suisse des relations humaines est un projet de coopération de l'Université de Zurich, l'EPF de Zurich et l'Université de Lucerne. Le projet est financé par le Fonds... -
Wiederholungsbefragung zum Schweizer Arbeitsmarktsurvey - 2000
Advancing globalization, expansion of the service sector, and the rapid spread of new technology on the job are bringing about rapid changes in working life. The goals of the... -
Nahtstellenbarometer 2022 Umfrage Jugendliche und Unternehmen
Dal 1997 al 2017, la SEFRI ha utilizzato il Barometro dell'apprendistato per determinare la situazione del mercato dell'apprendistato due volte l'anno attraverso sondaggi tra le... -
Nahtstellenbarometer 2019 Umfragen Jugendliche und Unternehmen
Dal 1997 al 2017, la SEFRI ha utilizzato il Barometro dell'apprendistato per determinare la situazione del mercato dell'apprendistato due volte l'anno attraverso sondaggi tra le... -
As part of the evaluation of the Federal programme on equal opportunities for women and men at the universities (2008-2011), a questionnaire on the subject of “Academic career,... -
Professional Paths Survey (ProPaS), Wave 6 2017
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Chronicisation des dorsalgies: facteurs psychosociaux et professionnels étudi...
The purpose of this research project is to analyze the prevalence, impact and progression of episodes of acute and chronic back pain in a population of hospital staff and to... -
Schweizer Human-Relations-Barometer 2020
The Swiss HR Barometer is a joint project run by the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and University of Lucerne. It is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and it has... -
Schweizer Human-Relations-Barometer 2022
Der Schweizer HR-Barometer ist ein Kooperationsprojekt der Universität Zürich, der ETH Zürich und der Universität Luzern. Das Projekt wird vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds... -
ISSP Module on "Work Orientations", Switzerland - 1997
Advancing globalization, expansion of the service sector, and the rapid spread of new technology on the job are bringing about rapid changes in working life. The goals of the... -
GESIS Panel - Extended Edition
The GESIS Panel provides a probability-based mixed-mode access panel infrastructure located at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. The project... -
GESIS Panel - Standard Edition
The GESIS Panel provides a probability-based mixed-mode access panel infrastructure located at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. The project... -
German Internet Panel, Wave 59 (May 2022)
The German Internet Panel (GIP) is a long-term study at the University of Mannheim. The GIP examines individual attitudes and preferences that are relevant in political and... -
International Social Survey Programme: Work Orientations I-IV Cumulation
The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is a continuous programme of cross-national collaboration running annual surveys on topics important for the social sciences.... -
Innerbetriebliche Integration in Züricher Unternehmen aus Sicht junger Mitar...
The main objective of the research study was to capture the work ethic and operational experience of young men and women in order to develop HR recommendations in dealing with... -
Innerbetriebliche Integration in Züricher Unternehmen aus Sicht Vorgesetzter ...
The main objective of the research study was to capture the work ethic and operational experience of young men and women in order to develop HR recommendations in dealing with...