Microchemistry of archaeological and present-day snapper (Chrysophrys auratus...
We sampled the archaeological and modern-day snapper otoliths used for this analysis from sites in the Hauraki Gulf, on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Long... -
Organic residue analysis using GC-MS and GC-C-IRMS of Neolithic Funnel Beaker...
This study details the analysis of an assemblage of Funnel Beaker Culture pottery from the micro-region of Wanna, Cuxhaven, in Northern Germany. A total of 60 pottery fragments... -
Chemical ICP-AES data of archeological pottery, Wanna, Germany
This is the measurement data from chemical analysis of archaeological Neolithic pottery using Inductively Coupled Plasma- Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES). The pottery... -
Chemical p-XRF data of archeological pottery, Wanna, Germany
This is the measurement data from chemical analysis of archaeological Neolithic pottery using portable X-ray fluorescence analysis (p-XRF). The pottery came from the sites Wanna...