A Quantitative Approach to Beauty [Dataset]
The purpose of the the data collection was to determine the shape of the change in beauty in depicted faces over time. The dataset is comprised by almost 120,000 paintings from... -
Impact of EU Accession 1991
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Omnibus Survey: Government, social and economic policy; museum policy 1984
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Kunsthistorisches Museum 1985
Thema: Kunsthistorisches Museum Probability Interview -
Foreigners and Guest Workers in Vienna 1990
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Mikrocensus 1977, 3. quarter: Living Conditions of the Female Population
Similar to the survey of 1969 (Mikrozensus MZ6901) this Mikrozensus special survey provides information on the connection of occupation, housekeeping and childcare. It shows how... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 432
De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn uitzending naar voormalig Joegoslavië, Irak en Afghanistan. De geïnterviewde was militair arts. Hij vertelt over de medische zorg en hoe in... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 482
Deze Utrechter begon als huisarts en werd later psychiater. In 1940 werd hij gemobiliseerd en hielp hij gewonden van de brug te halen en naar ziekenhuizen te vervoeren aan de... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 417
De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn uitzending naar voormalig Joegoslavie. De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn opleiding en werk als chirurg. De geinterviewde gaat in op zijn team... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 694
De geinterviewde is in 1920 geboren in Nederland. Tussen 1943 en 1945 werd hij ingezet in de Arbeitseinsatz. Hij ging in 1947 in dienst en werd als chirurgisch assistent... -
Impact of EU Accession 1991
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Omnibus Survey: Government, social and economic policy; museum policy 1984
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Kunsthistorisches Museum 1985
Thema: Kunsthistorisches Museum Probability Interview -
Foreigners and Guest Workers in Vienna 1990
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Mikrocensus 1977, 3. quarter: Living Conditions of the Female Population
Similar to the survey of 1969 (Mikrozensus MZ6901) this Mikrozensus special survey provides information on the connection of occupation, housekeeping and childcare. It shows how... -
Dramawebben started in 2006 as a project at Nationella dramaturgiatet. The aim of the project was to make copyright free Swedish drama written by women freely available. The... -
GoArt databas
GOArt (Göteborg Organ Art Center) is a research center that specializes in integrated studies of instruments and performance. The pipe organ and its related keyboard instruments... -
Düben Collection Database Catalogue
The Düben Collection Database Catalogue (DCDC) is a digitised catalogue presenting metadata and scanned facsimiles of the Düben Collection, a large and important collection of... -
RWAAI: Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage
The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a digital multimedia resource dedicated to the maintenance of research materials documenting the... -
Den unisona sången inom folkrörelserna i Sverige 1850-1920
The study aimed to show to what extent songs can be the bearer of ideology and how it is used to polemize against the established values of the society. It also shows how the...