Elemental composition and radiogenic isotopes of North African soils to chara...
Fifty-nine bulk soil samples were from a collection known as the “Mainz Sandbank”, comprising samples from across the Sahara-Sahel region collected on multiple field trips since... -
Radiogenic Sr, Nd and Pb isotope compositions and REE concentrations for Nort...
Further details and definitions: PSAXX : Potential source Area XXX 2SE : Two standard error (Eu/Eu)N : Europium anomaly calculated following : (Eu/Eu)N = EuN/ racine(SmN + GdN),... -
Chemical compositions of deflatable soil fractions from North Africa
Further details and definitions: PSAXX : Potential source Area XXX Method: HF-HNO3 acid digestion followed by elemental composition measured on an Agilent 7900 quadrupole ICP-MS... -
Radiogenic isotope signatures (Sr-Nd-Pb) on four different soils and four col...
Further details and definitions: εNd : epsilon Nd following the equation : εNd = ((143Nd/144Nd)sample/(143Nd/144Nd)CHUR - 1) * 10,000 . The unit should be "per ten thousand" but... -
Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope compositions in different grain size fractions of Nort...
Further details and definitions: εNd : epsilon Nd following the equation : εNd = ((143Nd/144Nd)sample/(143Nd/144Nd)CHUR - 1) * 10,000. The unit should be "per ten thousand" but... -
Chemical compositions of international reference materials (basalts BHVO-2 an...
Further details and definitions: BHVO-2. : Basalt Hawaiian Volcanic Observatory 2 BCR-2 : Basalt Columbia River 2 n : number of analysis replicate Method: HF-HNO3 acid... -
North African soil sample locations and radiogenic isotope compositions in de...
Further details and definitions: εNd : epsilon Nd following the equation : εNd = ((143Nd/144Nd)sample/(143Nd/144Nd)CHUR - 1) * 10,000 . The unit should be "per ten thousand" but...