Attosekund elektron-spinndynamik i Xe 4d fotojonisering
We study photoionization time delays in Xe in the 70-100 eV range by combining attosecond interferometry with coincidence spectroscopy. Supported by calculations using the... -
Attosecond dynamics of multi-channel single photon ionization
Data for the main findings of the following article: "Attosecond dynamics of multi-channel single photon ionization" The data represents the experimentally measured one-photon... -
Undersökning av elektronisk dekoherens med högupplöst attosekund fotoelektron...
We investigate the photoionization of helium atoms by attosecond pulse trains generated via high-order harmonic generation in neon gas. In the frequency domain these attosecond... -
Snabbare konvergens för Variational Quantum Eigensolver genom parameteröverfö...
Results of quantum computer simulations, using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE). The dataset contains data calculated using various parameters and settings. The goal of... -
Single mimivirus particles intercepted and imaged with an X-ray laser - CXIDB...
These are the files used to reconstruct the images in the paper “Single Mimivirus particles intercepted and imaged with an X-ray laser” (2011). Besides the diffracted... -
Controlling photoionization using attosecond time-slit interferences
We study photoemission, the process where electromagnetic radiation interacts with matter and leads to the emission of electrons. This process takes place on an incredibly short...