Interpolated grain size analysis from ODP Site 188-1165
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Stacked sea surface temperature data of two sediment cores from the north of ...
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Stacked stable oxygen isotopes of two sediment cores from the north of the So...
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(Table 2) Abundance (average and standard deviation) and opal input (average ...
The sediments from this core are made of a diatomaceous ooze containing ice rafted debris, low amount of organic matter, but more carbonates than in the core PS1768-8 (see... -
(Table 1) Abundance (average and standard deviation) and opal input (average ...
The sediments from this core are made of a diatomaceous ooze containing ice rafted debris, low amount of organic matter and of carbonates. -
Silicon isotopes from sediment core 202-1240A
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Argo float water profiles around station 13M4
2° x 2° box around 12°N, 49°W.Depth of mixed layer depth (MLD) derived manually from ODV. Therefore changes in water stratification was read from temperature, potential density... -
(Table 7) SedUnMix estimated contribution from sources and standard deviation...
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(Table 9) SedUnMix estimated contribution from sources and standard deviation...
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(Table 8) SedUnMix estimated contribution from sources and standard deviation...
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Table 2: Firn temperature, ram resistance, mass balance and submergence velo ...
Distributional patterns of glaciological parameters at the Colle Gnifetti core drilling site are described and their interrelationships are brietly discussed. Observations... -
(Table 1) Sodium concentrations and correction, normalization and charge-bala...
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(Figure 8) Misfit between observations and models for the elevation of the mi...
RSL = relative sea level.GIA = glacial isostatic adjustment. -
Wall thicknesses of thick and thin shells from the core top of BC21WP7
Average of thin shells = 12.03 ± 3.37 [µm], average of thick shells = 17.43 ± 3.67 [µm]; 31.01 % reduction in wall thickness -
Microbial cell counts from Canadian Prairie groundwater ecosystems
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We therefore investigated the total microbial cell counts of 78 groundwater samples from aquifers in... -
(Table 2) The chemical compositions of major species in rainwaters from the e...
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(Tabl 2) Distribution of pyrite framboid sizes from two sediment cores sample...
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Weight average concentrations of nitrogen isotope ratios off Peru and Ecuador
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Tab. 1: The composition of muskox herds observed at the two study areas
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(Table 4) Sedimentation rate and mass accumulation rates of ODP Hole 114-704B
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