Copy of: Field driven quantum phase transition in a Kitaev honeycomb magnet
The experimental realization of a Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice has been a major topic in a condensed matter physics, because the model uniquely provides exactly... -
Neutron spectroscopy of V7M molecular nanomagnets
A large amount of contemporary research by both chemists and physicists is focused on exploiting the spin of electrons with the attempt of revolutionising the current technology... -
Ground state selection in quantum spin ice pyrochlores
In condensed matter physics, the search for new exotic quantum ground states has become a central theme over the past few years. Among the 3D quantum spin liquid candidates, the... -
Low temperature magnetic properties of the mineral gaudefroyite
The mineral gaudefroyite contains parallel chains of linked MnO6 octahedra. The Mn magnetic moments order with parallel spins within a given chain at low temperature, but the... -
Tracking the evolution of nano-precipitates in vanadium micro-alloyed steels ...
Third Generation Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) require higher strength and formability alongside a lower alloying element content for reduced energy consumption and CO2... -
Magnetic Phase Diagram of Geometrically Frustrated BaDy2O4
In BaDy2O4, the magnetic Dy3+ ions are arranged in a network of triangles and hexagons, and coupled with antiferromagnetic exchange interactions, which gives rise to geometric... -
High-pressure effect on the magnetic ordering in frustrated antiferromagnet C...
Test of the NIMS low temperature pressure cell on WISH. -
Evidence for long-range order in HoTbTi2O7
Evidence of long-range order has been observed in the diffuse neutron scattering data for a single crystal of HoTbTi2O7.A spin ice like pattern and pinch points coexist with the... -
In-situ high resolution neutron diffraction and Electric polarization measure...
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the WISH instrument team has worked together to enable simultaneous real-time high resolution (powder and single crystal) neutron... -
Field-driven closure of the Haldane gap in an ideal coordination polymer spin...
Chains comprising integer spin magnetic moments exhibit the celebrated non-magnetic Haldane phase, which is very different relative to the half-integer spin equivalent. We have... -
Investigation of Magnetic Structures in magnetoelectric multiferroic Gd0.5Dy0...
Ferroelectricity in type-II multiferroics is induced by breaking of inversion symmetry by certain type of spin structure below the magnetic ordering temperature. Therefore, a... -
Quantum criticality in the Kitaev system alpha-RuCl3
The experimental realization of a Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice has been a major topic in a condensed matter physics because the model uniquely provides exactly solvable... -
Interlayer coupling in YIG/NiO/Pt trilayers
The spin Seebeck effect is able to convert a temperature gradient into a spin current. Many potential applications exist for the field of spintronics, which use these spin... -
A comparative study of tricriticality in CoMnSi and NiMnGe
We propose to use WISH to examine whether a transition between different spiral antiferromagnetic structures in zero magnetic field is the key to tricriticality at finite fields... -
Well, well, well: the free energy landscape of hydrogenated La(Fe,Si)13?
Magnetic cooling promises efficiency savings at room temperature but requires rapid cycling of a magnetic refrigerant in a magnetic field. Refrigerants with first order... -
Contrast matching of selectively deuterated glycerides for scattering studies...
Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) can be formed from glycerides and loaded with diverse cargo for healthcare applications. A key advantage of LNPs over liposomes is the significant... -
Magnetic field controlled quantum criticality in La2-xSrxCuO4
The application of a magnetic field offers a unique way to control a quantum critical point in some systems. For underdoped high temperature cuprate superconductors (HTS),... -
Spin dynamics in the 1/3rd magnetization plateau phase of a triangular quantu...
This experiment is part of our research programme to explore novel quantum phases and phase transitions induced by magnetic field in frustrated quantum magnets. The quasi-2D... -
Solving the antiferromagnetic structure of Gd3Al5O12.
This proposal would like to map the diffraction patterns of Gd3Al5Gd12 (GAG) using the high flux diffraction instrument WISH. It is of great interest to solve the magnetic... -
Magnetic Phase Diagram of Geometrically Frustrated SrHo2O4
In SrHo2O4, the Ho3+ ions are arranged in a network of triangles and hexagons, and coupled with antiferromagnetic exchange interactions, this gives rise to geometric...