Impact of in-situ strain-tuning on the magnetic structure of Ca3Ru2O7
We propose to perform high-resolution neutron diffraction on strained Ca3Ru2O7, a material in which electron correlations, spin-orbit coupling and crystal fields combine to... -
Tunable Weyl and Dirac states in the nonsymmorphic compound CeSbTe
Within our previous proposal "Possible non-symmorphic, magnetic Weyl Semimetal in CeSbTe" we investigated the antiferromagnetic structure of CeSbTe. This material has a very... -
Spin orders in CaxMn2-xFeReO6 double perovskites
New manganese-based double perovskites Mn2-xCaxFeReO6 have been synthesised at high pressure. Mn2FeReO6 has spin-active cations at all sites; S = 5/2 Mn2+, S = 5/2 Fe3+ and S =... -
A neutron diffraction study of V1/3NbS2 : determination of the magnetic groun...
In recent years, there has been a large research interest in noncentrosymmetric systems in part due to the exotic physics these systems display. Examples of chiral magnets... -
Size-dependent magnetic structure of nanomaterials of skyrmionic insulator Cu...
Chiral magnets with topologically protected states, such as magnetic Skyrmions in Cu2OSeO3, have been the center of attention of the scientific community in recent times due to... -
An S = 1/2 chiral staggered chain in a magnetic field
The molecule-based chiral spin chain, [Cu(pyrimidine)(H2O)4]SiF6·H2O exhibits staggered g-tensors, a rich low-temperature excitation spectrum and a spin gap that opens on... -
Study of the magnetic structure of BaSrMg2Fe12O22: a candidate room temperatu...
Multiferroic materials, where there is a strong coupling between magnetic and electric order parameters, offer a route to novel voltage-controlled spintronics. Y-type... -
Determination of the Field Induce Magnetic Structure of Erbium Tetraboride
We propose to investigate the field induced behaviour of ErB4 using WISH. ErB4 is an example of experimental realisation of the Shastry-Sutherland lattice, a frustrated lattice... -
Probing the Effect of Applied Field on Magnetocaloric TbOHCO3
There is a growing need to reduce dependence on liquid He for cooling applications below 20 K. Magnetocalorics, which exhibit an entropically driven cooling effect in a cycled... -
Magnetic field switching of electric polarisation in Y-type Hexaferrites
The magnetoelectric Y-type hexaferrites demonstrate coupling between magnetism and electric polarisation in relatively small applied magnetic fields, and are hence candidate... -
Magnetic Phase Diagram of Geometrically Frustrated BaDy2O4
In BaDy2O4, the magnetic Dy3+ ions are arranged in a network of triangles and hexagons, and coupled with antiferromagnetic exchange interactions, which gives rise to geometric... -
Competing Antiferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic Ground States in CaFe3Ti4O12
Using high-temperature high-pressure synthetic methods we have recently prepared the new quadruple perovskite CaFe3Ti4O12. Curie-Weiss magnetic susceptibility and Mossbauer data... -
Ground and field induced states in the BaCo2As2O7 and BaCo2(As3O6)2 1D chain ...
One-dimensional (1D) or two-dimensional (2D) topologies between magnetic ions generally favour strong magnetic anisotropy and offer exotic fundamental states and other phenomena... -
Melting the long-range magnetic order in SrEr2O4 with an applied magnetic field
We have observed an interesting phenomenon of the destruction of long-range magnetic order in SrEr2O4 by a relatively modest applied magnetic field. For a field applied along... -
Low-temperature magnetic correlations in SrTb2O4
We propose to probe the development of the magnetic correlations in SrTb2O4 using WISH neutron diffractometer. In a magnetic sense, SrTb2O4 consists of triangular zig-zag... -
The phase diagram of the spin-density-wave metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7
Sr3Ru2O7 is an unusual layered oxide metamagnetic metal. It has been know for some time that the application of a large magnetic field (~8 T) perpendicular to the RuO2 planes... -
Understanding the role of lanthanides in magnetic oxyselenides: Pr2O2Fe2OSe2
This proposal requests time to investigate the influence of an applied magnetic field on the oxyselenide Pr2O2Fe2OSe2. A metamagnetic transition involving ordering of Pr3+... -
Investigation for pressure-induced ferroelectric polarization flop phenomenon...
We propose to perform neutron diffraction experiments under high-pressure on multiferroic TbMnO3 using WISH in combination with hybrid-anvil-type high-pressure device. Recently,... -
High-pressure effect on the magnetic ordering in frustrated antiferromagnet C...
Test of the NIMS low temperature pressure cell on WISH. -
High field study of multipiezo Pb2MnO4
Manganese based oxides are of great interest for both spintronic and multiferroic applications.Pb2MnO4 crystallizes in the acentric but non-polar space group P-421c which allows...