Detecting an entanglement transition in a quantum magnet
Justification: We'd like to apply for three days Director’s Discretionary time on WISH to continue the experiment on measures of quantum entanglement in a model 1D magnet. This... -
Investigation of the low temperature, applied field magnetic order in copper-...
We propose to fully explore the field induced magnetically ordered phase of copper-nitrate, Cu(NO3)2.2.5D2O, at temperatures below 0.13 K and in fields up to 5 T. The key aims... -
Determination of the Field Induce Magnetic Structure of Erbium Tetraboride
We propose to investigate the field induced behaviour of ErB4 using WISH. ErB4 is an example of experimental realisation of the Shastry-Sutherland lattice, a frustrated lattice... -
Magnetic Phase Diagram of Geometrically Frustrated BaDy2O4
In BaDy2O4, the magnetic Dy3+ ions are arranged in a network of triangles and hexagons, and coupled with antiferromagnetic exchange interactions, which gives rise to geometric... -
Competing Antiferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic Ground States in CaFe3Ti4O12
Using high-temperature high-pressure synthetic methods we have recently prepared the new quadruple perovskite CaFe3Ti4O12. Curie-Weiss magnetic susceptibility and Mossbauer data... -
Melting the long-range magnetic order in SrEr2O4 with an applied magnetic field
We have observed an interesting phenomenon of the destruction of long-range magnetic order in SrEr2O4 by a relatively modest applied magnetic field. For a field applied along... -
Understanding the role of lanthanides in magnetic oxyselenides: Pr2O2Fe2OSe2
This proposal requests time to investigate the influence of an applied magnetic field on the oxyselenide Pr2O2Fe2OSe2. A metamagnetic transition involving ordering of Pr3+... -
High field study of multipiezo Pb2MnO4
Manganese based oxides are of great interest for both spintronic and multiferroic applications.Pb2MnO4 crystallizes in the acentric but non-polar space group P-421c which allows... -
Investigating the spin-nematic phase in the 1D quantum spin chain, Linarite
Linarite is a natural mineral which displays a rich and complex phase diagram in applied fields up to 10 T for temperatures below 2.8 K. As a frustrated J1-J2 chain material,... -
Investigation of the low temperature magnetic order in Cu nitrate
The aim of this proposal is to study the field induced magnetically ordered phase of the quasi 1D spin system copper nitrate. We plan to study the integrated intensities of the... -
Metallic chains on a triangular lattice
Both 1D physics (dimensional frustration) and geometric frustration offer ways of achieving unusual quantum ground states that defy the usual tendency for systems to order at... -
Magnetic order in Er2Si2O7
We propose to use neutron diffraction to establish the magnetic structure of D-type of Er2Si2O7 in zero field first with a view of extending the measurements to an applied field... -
Well, well, well: the free energy landscape of hydrogenated La(Fe,Si)13?
Magnetic cooling promises efficiency savings at room temperature but requires rapid cycling of a magnetic refrigerant in a magnetic field. Refrigerants with first order... -
Temperature dependence of spin dynamics near quantum criticality in an Ising ...
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the interplay of thermal and quantum fluctuations near zero-temperature quantum phase transitions. Here we apply for a... -
Correlation of structural and magnetic properties in oxides containing 1-D ch...
Purely ferromagnetic (FM) oxides are uncommon but we recently reported FM behaviour in a mineral induced by quite small magnetic fields. This ability relates to the presence of... -
Mapping the highly complex magnetic phase diagram of TmCu
This proposal forms part of our project to investigate the implications of non-trivial real-space topology in multi-k magnetic structures. We are here focusing on the rare earth... -
Mapping the highly complex magnetic phase diagram of TmCu
This proposal forms part of our project to investigate the implications of non-trivial real-space topology in multi-k magnetic structures. We are here focusing on the rare earth...