Macroplankton and micronekton length/size frequencies from the Norwegian Sea ...
We provide here a curated set of data containing representative length/size measurements of key macroplankton and mesopelagic fish collected by a Macroplankton trawl (~6 m x 6 m... -
Benthosema glaciale Genome sequencing
species identification -
Rod opsin-based colour vision in deep-sea fishes
The goal of this study was to investigate the visual system evolution of teleost fishes with a special focus on deep-sea species. -
Evolution of the immune system influences speciation rates in teleost fishes
Teleost fishes constitute the most species-rich vertebrate clade and exhibit extensive genetic and phenotypic variation, including diverse immune-defence strategies. The genomic... -
A Novel Phylogeny and Revised Classification of Lanternfishes (Myctophiformes...
In this study we used a UCE dataset to infer the phylogenetic relationships among lanternfish (Myctophiformes), and test the monophyly of currently recognized families,... -
Operational taxonomic units of deep-sea fishes from environmental DNA collect...
Analysis of fish environmental DNA (DNA traces released into the environment in form of tissue, mucus, feces, etc.) from several oceanic vertical profiles (from the surface up... -
Stomach contents of Benthosema glaciale collected during RV G.O. Sars cruise ...
The data is used in a comparative analysis of the diet of one of the globally most numerous myctophids, the Glacier lantern fish Benthosema glaciale, across four deep basins of... -
Metrics of Benthosema glaciale collected during RV G.O. Sars cruise 2013107 a...
The data is used in a comparative analysis of the diet of one of the globally most numerous myctophids, the Glacier lantern fish Benthosema glaciale, across four deep basins of... -
Benthosema glaciale diet across the North Atlantic
The data submitted is used in a comparative analysis of the diet of one of the globally most numerous myctophids, the Glacier lantern fish Benthosema glaciale, across four deep... -
Diversity and abundance of deep-pelagic fish on the Bay of Biscay slope (Nort...
The dataset represents the number, the total and the standardized biomass (catch per unit effort) of 94 deep-pelagic fish species collected by pelagic trawling in submarine... -
Diversity and abundance of deep-pelagic fish on the Bay of Biscay slope (Nort...
The dataset represents the number, the total and the standardized biomass (catch per unit effort) of 94 deep-pelagic fish species collected by pelagic trawling in submarine... -
Biomass density and catch composition of mesopelagic fish and invertebrates i...
During three cruises in the Mid Atlantic Ridge area in 2016 and 2017, we studied the biomass of mesopelagic fish down to a depth of 600 m and identified and quantified the...