Beryllium isotopes composition of layers from the bottom side of Mn nodule SO...
Attempts have been made to study the entire growth history of a manganese nodule from the northern part of Peru Basin in the Pacific using radiochemical profiles of 230Th232Th,... -
Beryllium isotopes composition of layers from the top side of Mn nodule SO11_...
Attempts have been made to study the entire growth history of a manganese nodule from the northern part of Peru Basin in the Pacific using radiochemical profiles of 230Th232Th,... -
10Be terrestrial cosmogenic geochronology (Table S1)
a: Nearby Twin Lakes production rate used (4.09 +/- 0.30 at/g/SiO2/yr).b: A density of 2.7 g cm-3 , std elv/pressure conditions, and the KNSTD standard were used for all... -
Sample preparation and laboratory measurement values for in-situ meteoric Ber...
Comments:1) July 2017 refers to samples collected before Hurricane Maria and January 2018 refers to samples collected after Hurricane Maria.2) 2017 samples were measured at... -
Magnetic and Beryllium chronostratigraphy of Quaternary sediment core samples...
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(Table 1-2 and 3, page 797-798 and 799) 10Be, U, Th and Pa analyses for layer...
Uranium, Thorium and Palladium measurements were done using an alpha-spectrometry technique described in : Ku, T.L., Broecker, W.S., 1969. Radiochemical studies on manganese... -
(Table 2, page 308) 9Be concentration, specific activty of 10Be and 10Be/9Be ...
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other... -
(Table 2) Be isotopic composition of Fe-Mn crusts at seamounts in the Northwe...
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(Table T2) Beryllium and neodymium composition of ODP Leg 194 sites and surve...
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(Table A1+A2) 230Th, 231Pa, 9Be, and 10Be in particle size fractions of surfa...
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(Table 1) Be isotope and Co concentrations for crusts Tasman, Nova, and Marsh...
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(Table 2) Be isotope and Co concentrations for the four crusts
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(Table 4) Analytical data for ODP Hole 181-1121B sediments
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(Table 2) Analytical data for ferromanganese nodules from ODP Hole 181-1121B
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(Table 2) Beryllium-10 and Aluminium-26 concentrations in marine opal from se...
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Crust growth and isotope age, Australian Southern Ocean
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Crust growth and isotope age, Bellinghausen Sea
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Crust growth and isotope age, Mid Atlantic Ridge
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Crust growth and isotope age, Cape Basin
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Crust growth and isotope age, Walvis Ridge
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