Antimicrobial Peptide Binding & Rearrangement in Model Membranes ¿ Building a...
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are attractive drug candidates because of their selectivity and speed of action against bacteria. We have developed a novel approach to delivering... -
Structural study on the 3D arrangement of (hexa-acyl) lipid A in lipid membrane
This study will focus on the structural investigations of the bilayers formed on silicon substrates in which the outer leaf consists of DOPE/LPS mixtures. We aim is to achieve... -
Probing Ion Binding to Micelles ¿ Investigating the Hofmeister Series
This proposal continues our research on ion binding to surfactant micelles. Our recent work demonstrates that the details of water structure around micelles are now accessible... -
Examining the Structural Changes of a Central Nervous System Neurotransmitter...
GluR0 is a glutamate sensitive potassium ion channel from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis which has been identified via primary structural sequencing to be similar to... -
New Evidence in Armenian Codicology: the Reconstruction of an Unknown Sewing ...
This essay focuses on the analysis of an Armenian illuminated manuscript, discovered in 2014 in the Museo Cappuccini in Reggio Emilia and now property of the Library of the same... -
Project: LIGATUS
Project summary of the LIGATUS project