IMR Macroplankton surveys
The Macroplankton dataset in the IMR plankton database contains macroplankton from the Norwegian and Barents Seas. The dataset includes small vertically migratory fish. -
Zooplankton dry mass measurements from Rectangular Midwater Trawl1 (RMT1) sam...
Dry mass (mg DM m-3) of zooplankton bulk samples was measured from samples of Polarstern cruise PS106 (SIPKA). Samples were taken with the RMT1 net with a mesh size of 320 µm.... -
Zooplankton biomass from Rectangular Midwater Trawl1 (RMT1) samples during PO...
Drymass (mg DM m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated using conversion factors from biovolume to dry mass as described in Cornils et al. (2022) from samples of Polarstern... -
Zooplankton biovolume from Rectangular Midwater Trawl1 (RMT1) samples during ...
Biovolume (mm3 m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated as described in Cornils et al. (2022) from samples of Polarstern cruise PS106 (SIPKA). . Prior to the analysis each sample... -
Zooplankton abundance from Rectangular Midwater Trawl1 (RMT1) samples during ...
Abundance (ind. m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated from samples of Polarstern cruise PS106.2. Samples were taken with the Rectangular Midwater Trawl with a mesh size of 320... -
Jalta-Black Sea
Comparative studies of macro and meiozoobenthos condition around Jalta gulf under influence of domestic sewage discharge and recreation activity. -
Integrated abundance, cell volume, viability and leucine incorporation rates ...
This dataset contains the results of the characterisation of the prokaryotic community by flow cytometry and tritiated leucine incorporation from the MAFIA cruise (Migrants and... -
Abundance, cell volume, biomass, viability and leucine incorporation rates of...
This dataset contains the results of the characterisation of the prokaryotic community by flow cytometry and tritiated leucine incorporation from the MAFIA cruise (Migrants and... -
A data compilation for soil conditions from the Tibetan Plateau
This dataset has no description
Macrozoobenthos collected from the longitudinal profiles in the Romanian mari...
The macrozoobentos dataset includes a number of 56 samples collected on the Longitudinal profiles (L) of the Romanian littoral between 8 m to 42m depths. Van Veen grab with a... -
Study of epibenthos and demersal fish of the titanium dioxide discharge area ...
Presence, density and biomass data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in the KRONOS discharge area (Dutch Continental Shelf) between 1976 and 1981 and comparison of these... -
7.1.3 Zooplankton net hauls at Boknis Eck in the Baltic Sea 1963-1975
calculated for the water column 0-26 m below one square meter of the sea surface -
KOSMOS 2021 Gran Canaria mesocosm study on ocean alkalinity enhancement: meta...
This data was collected as a part of a mesocosm study to investigate the ecosystem impacts of ocean alkalinity enhancement, within the EU H2020 OceanNETs project. Nine mesocosms... -
Macrozoobenthos data collected in the East Constanta sector of the Romanian m...
The macrozoobentos dataset includes a number of 234 samples collected in the East Constanta sector of the Romanian marine waters from five standard stations (Station 1-5)... -
Salinity as a tool for strain selection in recirculating land-based productio...
In the paper "Salinity as a tool for strain selection in recirculating land-based production of Ulva spp. from germlings to adults" (Cardoso et al. 2023) the relative growth... -
The impact of different nutrient sources in the of different Ulva strains
In the paper "Salinity as a tool for strain selection in recirculating land-based production of Ulva spp. from germlings to adults" (Cardoso et al. 2023) it was evaluated the... -
Isotopic data and relative biomasses of ground-dwelling generalist predators ...
The dataset contains calibrated isotopic data (∆13C, ∆15N) and relative biomasses of spiders and ground beetles, sampled in 2019 in Lower Saxony, Germany, within the RTG 2300... -
Review of global zooplankton biomass in the bathypelagic zone
We reviewed 274 profiles of zooplankton biomass smaller than 5 mm when this information was available but always excluding macrozooplankton and micronekton. Due to the different... -
Mesozooplankton abundance and biomass in Sevastopol Bay and inshore waters of...
The dataset contains the monitoring data on abundance and biomass of 26 mesozooplankton species and life stages in Sevastopol Bay and inshore waters off Crimean coast of the... -
Zooplankton collected in the Northwestern Black Sea in 1952
The data were collected by the IBSS staff at several stations in the Northwestern Black Sea in April 1952, transect Tarhankut – open sea. Samples were processed by L.Sagina....