The structure-magnetism relationship in hydrogen bonded coordination polymers
Gaining control of the building blocks of magnetic materials will enable the design and growth of bespoke magnetic devices. However, the ability to tune the magnetic... -
Probing the nature of pairing in superconducting LiFeAs
The iron-based superconductor LiFeAs exhibits a number of unique features distinguishing it from other materials in its class. As yet, these differences are unexplained. This... -
Low Temperature Properties of a Uniform S=1/2 Triangular Lattice System
It is proposed to use ZF and TF muSR to study the low temperature, low field part of the phase diagram of Ba3CuSb2O9, a system with a uniform triangular lattice of S=1/2 Cu ions... -
Studying the limits of the quantum Griffiths phase in Ni,V
A randomly diluted ferromagnet has its transition temperature Tc suppressed to a quantum critical point. Between the Tc of the diluted material and that of the undiluted... -
Muon spin rotation study of LixFeyAs and NaFeAs superconductors
We will examine the magnetic and superconducting properties of these two novel superconducting systems using muon spin rotation and relaxation experiments. Stoichiometric LiFeAs... -
The XY pyrochlore AFM:spin dynamics upon rare-earth dilution in Er2Ti2O7 (CON...
Er2Ti2O7 constitutes an experimental realization of the <111> easy-plane pyrochlore AFM and orders at 1.1 K into the theoretically predicted spin structure. However, the... -
Level crossings in open ring molecular magnets
Molecular nanomagnets (MNMs) comprise clusters of exchange coupled transition metal ions which often have a negative anisotropy constant, favouring a ground state with a large... -
Spin fluctuations in the hyperkagome quantum antiferromagnet Na4Ir3O8
Spins arranged on the kagome lattice are one of the most widely investigated topics in frustrated magnetism. In this context, the three-dimensional analogue of these systems,... -
Superconductivity and magnetism in novel iron-based superconductors
Magnetism and superconductivity compete and coexist in many of the high temperature superconductors, and the newly discovered iron arsenides are no exception. Muon-spin rotation... -
Low Temperature Properties of a Uniform S=1/2 Triangular Lattice System
It is proposed to use TF muSR to study the low temperature, low field part of the phase diagram of Ba3CuSb2O9, a system with a uniform triangular lattice of S=1/2 Cu ions that... -
Evolution of the structure of the Li/ND3 intercalate of FeSe with pressure
This experiment follows our ambient pressure characterisation of the Li intercalate of FeSe which is a superconductor with a Tc of 43 K. Li atoms, amide ions and ammonia... -
Level crossings in the open ring molecular magnet Cr8Cd
Molecular nanomagnets (MNMs) comprise clusters of exchange coupled transition metal ions which often have a negative anisotropy constant, favoring a ground state with a large... -
Decoupling the spin fluctuations with high magnetic fields in the geometrical...
Gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) is a frustrated system which has already been successfully studied using muons. This study extends the earlier work to high magnetic field and... -
Isolating exchange pathways in novel molecular magnets
Experimentally exploring the fascinating physics of one- and two-dimensional magnetism continues to rely on the synthesis of novel, model systems with highly anisotropic... -
Magnetic order in weakly coupled molecular magnetic systems
Two molecular magnetic systems are considered which show low-temperature ordered states. One of them is F4BImNN, a nitronyl nitroxide radical magnet, an excellent realization of... -
Resolving the structures of metal/ammonia intercalates of FeSe
This is a proposal to fully characterise the crystal structures of the superconducting metal/ammonia intercalates of FeSe made using low temperature methods. In particular we... -
Separating static and dynamic contributions to the muon relaxation in Ca3(Co,...
Ca3CoMnO6 has alternating ions in ferromagnetic Ising chains that are antiferromagnetically coupled on a triangular lattice and realizes an important model in frustrated... -
Correlation of composition, structure and superconductivity in electron-doped...
The purpose of this experiment is to gather structural data on the electron-doped derivatives of LiFeAs obtained by substituting some Fe by Co or Ni. In particular these data... -
Fluorine-arsenide superconductors
A new family of FeAs superconductors have very recently (Autumn 2008) been discovered in which, rather than alternating rare earth oxide layers with FeAs layers (as for the new... -
Electric field control in Multiferroic PbFe(1/2)Nb(1/2)O3
Lead iron niobate, PbFe${1/2}$Nb${1/2}$O$_{3}$ (PFN), is a multiferroic material exhibiting paraelectric to ferroelectric and paramagnetic to G-type antiferromagnetic...