Investigation of the structural and magnetic properties of new Co based fluor...
We have recently managed to prepare powder samples and small single crystals of BaCoF4, BaNiF4, Ba2Co3F10, and the new tetragonal compound Ba2CoF6. These materials are... -
A study of the metastable phase in Ca3Co2O6
Ca3Co2O6 is an unusual system, with a highly anisotropic magnetic behaviour and a series of regularly spaced steps in magnetisation appearing at low temperatures in a magnetic... -
Magnetic phase diagram of multiferroic GdMn2O5
In the last five years, we have carried out a comprehensive study of the family of REMn2O5 multiferroics by neutron and X-ray magnetic scattering, providing details about the... -
magnetic structure and step-like magnetization in Ca3Co2O6: a neutron diffrac...
Pure Ca3Co2O6 is a model system of ferromagnetic Ising chains arranged antiferromagnetically on a triangular net. Furthermore this system has aroused great interest because at...