Environmental characteristics during MedSeA and Meteor M84/3 cruises in the M...
The environmental parameters of the Meteor M/84 cruise were published by the respective PI in:Tanhua, T., Hainbucher, D., Cardin, V., Álvarez, M., Civitarese, G., McNichol, A.... -
Hydrology and geochemistry in the Mediterranean Sea during the MedSeA and Met...
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Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus glacialis incubated under elevated pCO2 duri...
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Nutrients concentrations measured on water bottle samples during Akademik Try...
Sea water samples were collected as part of the Arctic Century Expedition, which took place in the Kara Sea (Arctic Ocean) aboard the research vessel Akademik Tryoshnikov... -
Saharan dust grain-size distributions collected in 4-day intervals from subma...
The following dataset comprises Saharan dust grain-size distributions from samples collected in submarine sediment traps in the eastern tropical North Atlantic Ocean during 2017... -
Agulhas Ring nutrients sampled during SAGA34.5S cruise at southeast Atlantic ...
The data were collected as part of the South Atlantic Gateway in the global conveyor belt (SAGA) project. The general objective of the SAGA project is to quantify and monitor... -
Agulhas Ring carbonate sampled during SAGA34.5S cruise at southeast Atlantic ...
The data were collected as part of the South Atlantic Gateway in the global conveyor belt (SAGA) project. The general objective of the SAGA project is to quantify and monitor... -
Carbonate system parameters calculated from measured TA/DIC and measured TA/p...
Aragonite undersaturation (Ωar < 1) events are projected to rapidly increase in frequency and duration in the Antarctic Weddell Sea by 2050 due to uptake of increasing... -
Hydrochemistry and carbonate chemistry measured on water bottle samples durin...
The 24 x 10 L Niskin bottles rosette mounted on the frame of the ship-based CTD System onboard RV METEOR during research cruise M183 was used for the collection of discrete... -
Nutrients, oxygen, total alkalinity, pH, and physical oceanography measured o...
A standard CTD system from Sea-Bird Electronics Inc SBE911+ with duplicate temperature and conductivity sensors was used to measure temperature, conductivity and pressure at 81... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and asexual reproduction and statolith formation...
Ocean acidification and warming are challenging marine organisms and ecosystems around the world. The synergetic effects of these two climate change stressors on jellyfish... -
Hydrochemistry of water samples from CTD and towfish during METEOR cruise M147
The main component of this data base comprises elemental concentrations associated with dissolved organic matter obtained from samples collected on Meteor cruise M147 (May... -
Dissolved iron speciation from water samples during METEOR cruise M136
The file contains measurements of iron (Fe) speciation of water samples collected on the Peruvian shelf and slope region. Determinations of iron speciation were analyzed via... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and physiology and functional gene expression of...
Here, we examined two-way and multiple driver effects of ocean acidification and other key environmental drivers - nitrate, phosphate, irradiance, and temperature - on the... -
Growth rates of unicellular cyanobacteria (Crocosphaera watsonii) at differen...
This data set reports the growth rate and carbonate chemistry variables (initial and final) for a single-strain culture study on the unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacteria,... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and coccolith calcite mass of Emiliania huxleyi
To understand the response of marine calcifying organisms under high CO2 scenarios, it is critical to study their calcification patterns in the natural environment. This paper... -
Physical oceanography, CFC-12, SF6, pH, and alkalinity measured on water bott...
Temperature, salinity, oxygen data, anthropogenic tracers, pH and alkalinity measured on the RV Thalassa Cruise SUBPOLAR08 St. John's - Brest 08/25 - 09/15/2008 Chief Scientist:... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry measured on water bottle samples during POLARSTE...
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Effects of acute ocean acidification on spatially-diverse polar pelagic foodw...
The polar oceans are experiencing some of the largest levels of ocean acidification (OA) resulting from the uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2). Our understanding of... -
Temperature affects the morphology and calcification of Emiliania huxleyi str...
The global warming debate has sparked an unprecedented interest in temperature effects on coccolithophores. The calcification response to temperature changes reported in the...