In-situ high resolution strain mapping under tension and torsional loading us...
It is proposed to use ENGIN-X for proof-of-concept investigations of BCC Fe (possibly also hex. Mg and FCC Al) alloys under multi axial loading, while simultaneously acquiring... -
Characterization of texture of bronze standards through Bragg edge diffractio...
The Bragg edge transmission technique (BET) is a diffraction method exploiting the edges appearing in the transmitted neutron spectra crossing polycrystalline materials and is... -
Measuring strains in geologically important hydrous minerals
We request 4 days of beam-time on ENGIN-X to measure the elastic behaviour of polycrystalline samples of gypsum, antigorite, and talc as a function of uniaxial load. All three... -
Spin waves in the single layer half doped manganite Pr0.5Ca1.5MnO4
We propose to measure the spin wave dispersion and intensities throughout the Brillouin zone of the single layer half-doped manganite Pr0.5Ca1.5MnO4, whose ground state has the... -
Copy of: Continued development of high resolution Bragg edge time of flight t...
We propose to conduct experiments to further the technological and scientific development of micro-channel plate neutron detection systems for high spatial and time-of-flight... -
Development of high resolution detectors for Bragg edge time of flight transm...
The energy of transmitted neutrons can be obtained from their time-of-flight, simultaneously with the acquisition of the transmission radiographic image by a pixilated detector.... -
Powder diffraction studies under high deuterium pressure
The aims of the experiment are (1) to obtain structural data for the model hydrogen storage intermetallic LaNi5 under a deuterium pressure of 3000 bar at cryogenic temperatures,... -
Combined imaging and diffraction studies of Renaissance bronzes
Neutron tomography and neutron diffraction are ideal to study technical and art-historical aspects of Renaisaance bronze casting in a complety non-destructive way. A series of... -
Quantitative determination of the Bragg edge transmission analysis of 9 steel...
The Bragg edge transmission (BET) analysis is a technique exploiting the presence, position and shape of the edges which form in time of flight transmitted neutron beams. This... -
Continuation of Proposal (RB820197): The elasto-plastic response of dual-phas...
In the current proposal we propose to test Zr-2.5Nb samples cut at a range of angles (0, 22.5, 45, 67.5 and 90°) in the RD-TD plane in in-situ compression at room temperature....