Kelp forest distribution within the Bay of Morlaix (France)
Data represents presence-absence prediction of kelp forest. Biological ground truth data were integrated with high resolution environmental datasets to develop statistical model... -
Carte de synthèse des habitats benthiques du site Natura 2000 FR5300015 - Bai...
La carte de synthèse des habitats benthiques du site Natura 2000 FR5300015 - Baie de Morlaix est le fruit de la fusion et de l’harmonisation de cinq couches de données... -
Beach litter - Median of total abundance items normalized per 100m & to 1...
This visualization product displays the total abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) monitoring... -
Beach litter - Beaches locations & litter list used - Other sources 2001/...
This visualization product displays beaches locations where non-MSFD monitoring surveys, research & cleaning operations have been applied to collate data on macrolitter... -
Seafloor litter - Spatial distribution of fishing related items density norma...
This visualization product displays the spatial distribution of fishing related items density per trawl. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd... -
Seafloor litter - Density per trawl normalized per km² 2011/2022 v2023
This visualization product displays the density of seafloor litter per trawl. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Since the beginning of... -
Seafloor litter - Spatial distribution of plastic bags density normalized per...
This visualization product displays the spatial distribution of plastic bags density per trawl. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase.... -
Seafloor litter - Fishing related items density normalized per km² 2011/2022 ...
This visualization product displays fishing related items density per trawl. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Since the beginning of... -
Beach litter - Median number of cigarette related items normalized per 100m &...
This visualization product displays the cigarette related items abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)... -
Beach litter - Median number of fishing & aquaculture related plastic ite...
This visualization product displays the fishing & aquaculture related plastic items abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from non-MSFD monitoring... -
SeaDataCloud North Atlantic Ocean - Temperature and Salinity Historical Data ...
The SeaDataCloud TS historical data collection V2 for the North Atlantic Ocean, includes open access in situ data on temperature and salinity of water column in the North... -
Beach litter - Median number of plastic bags related items normalized per 100...
This visualization product displays the plastic bags abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) monitoring... -
Seafloor litter - Spatial distribution of litter density normalized per km² 2...
This visualization product displays the spatial distribution of seafloor litter density per trawl. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase.... -
Seafloor litter - Trawls locations 2006/2022 v2023
This visualization product displays the location of all the surveys present in the EMODnet marine litter database (MLDB). The different fishing gears used are represented by... -
European floating micro-litter standardized, harmonized and validated dataset...
EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry datasets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, acidity, contaminants and marine litter. The... -
Beach litter - Median number of single use plastics (SUP) related items norma...
This visualization product displays the single use plastics (SUP) related items abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from Marine Strategy Framework... -
Beach litter - Median number of cigarette related items normalized per 100m &...
This visualization product displays the cigarette related items abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from non-MSFD monitoring surveys, research &... -
European floating micro-litter standardized, harmonized and validated dataset...
EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry data sets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, ocean acidification, contaminants and litter. The... -
Seafloor litter - Composition of litter according to material categories in p...
This visualization product displays the marine litter material categories percentage per trawl. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase.... -
Beach litter - Median number of cigarette related items normalized per 100m &...
This visualization product displays the cigarette related items abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)...