Beach litter - Median number of single use plastics (SUP) related items norma...
This visualization product displays the single use plastics (SUP) related items abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from non-MSFD monitoring... -
Seafloor litter - Plastic bags density normalized per km² 2011/2022 v2023
This visualization product displays plastic bags density per trawl. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Since the beginning of 2018,... -
Mediterranean Sea - Temperature and salinity Historical Data Collection SeaDa...
SDC_MED_DATA_TS_V2 SeaDataCloud Temperature and Salinity data collection for the Mediterranean Sea contains all open access temperature and salinity in situ data retrieved... -
Beach litter - Median number of fishing & aquaculture related plastic ite...
This visualization product displays the fishing & aquaculture related plastic items abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from Marine Strategy... -
Beach litter - Composition of litter according to material categories in perc...
This visualization product displays marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) material categories percentage per beach per year from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) monitoring... -
Micro litter - Nets location & mesh size used - Other specific protocols ...
This visualization product displays nets locations where specific protocols have been applied to collate data on microlitter. Mesh size used with these protocols have been... -
Beach litter - Median of total abundance items normalized per 100m & to 1...
This visualization product displays the total abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from non-MSFD monitoring surveys, research & cleaning... -
Beach litter - Median number of plastic bags related items normalized per 100...
This visualization product displays the plastic bags abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from non-MSFD monitoring surveys, research & cleaning... -
Beach litter - Composition of litter according to material categories in perc...
This visualization product displays marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) material categories percentage per beach per year from non-MSFD monitoring surveys, research & cleaning... -
Beach litter - Beaches locations & litter list used - EU-MSFD monitoring ...
This visualization product displays beaches locations where the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) monitoring protocol has been applied to collate data on macrolitter... -
Nutrients measured on water bottle samples during THALASSA cruise PROSOPE
This dataset has no description
Mesocosm concentration, regeneration and absorption studies of Lanvéoc/Bay of...
This dataset has no description
Mesocosm concentration, regeneration and absorption studies of Lanvéoc/Bay of...
This dataset has no description
Mesocosm concentration, regeneration and absorption studies of Lanvéoc/Bay of...
This dataset has no description
Dissolved silicate Si(OH)4 concentration studies of Lanvéoc, Mesocosm experim...
Six mesocosms were used simultaneously. -
Biogenic silica studies of Lanvéoc, Mesocosm experiment No. 3/Bay of Brest in...
Six mesocosms were used simultaneously. -
Dissolved silicate Si(OH)4 studies of Lanvéoc, Mesocosm experiment No. 1/Bay ...
Six mesocosms were used simultaneously. -
Biogenic silica studies of Lanvéoc, Mesocosm experiment No. 1/Bay of Brest in...
Six mesocosms were used simultaneously. -
Classement des eaux de baignade selon la directive 2006/7/CE (2013 à 2020)
Connaître la qualité de l’eau de baignade en eau de mer ou en eau douce est un moyen pour prévenir tout risque pour la santé des baigneurs. Le suivi régulier de la qualité des... -
Carte des habitats intertidaux du site Natura 2000 FR5300015 - Baie de Morlaix
La carte des habitats intertidaux du site Natura 2000 FR5300015- Baie de Morlaix a été réalisée, d'une part, par le Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin (LEMAR) de...