(Table 1) Molecular composition of free gas samples and C1/(C2 + C3)-ratios, ...
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(Table 2) Average proportions of C1 to iso-C4 hydrocarbons and stable carbon ...
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(Table 2) Average proportions of low-molecular-weight alkanes and CO2 in gas ...
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(Table 2) Molecular composition of hydrocarbons in gas hydrates recovered fro...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Note: Measured d18O values were corrected for contamination by the interstitial water (IW) using the d18O of IW and observed Cl- of sample waters. -
(Table 1) Distributions of light hydrocarbons and CO2, C1/C2 ratios, and stab...
Light Hydrocarbons and CO2 (in mol%Sum[C1 to n-C4 + CO2]), Hydrate-Bound Gas (Hyd.), Dissolved Gas (Diss.) a.a: Values of d13C-CH4 (diss.) are given for lowermost sample in... -
(Table 3) C1-C5 hydrocarbons measured from purposefully decomposed gas hydrat...
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(Table 2) Total gas volume released upon degassing and its hydrocarbon compos...
Ratios of C1-iC5 in relation to the total amount of C1-iC5 (weighed and averaged over time). -
(Table 2) Organic carbon content, relative concentrations of C1-C4 gases, pet...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Blanks indicate that the analysis was not performed. -
(Table 3) C1-C5 hydrocarbons normalized to organic carbon at DSDP Hole 93-603B
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(Table 1) Concentrations of C1-C5 hydrocarbons at DSDP Site 93-603
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Samples are normalized to dry sediment -
(Table 5) Averaged hydrocarbon compositions of gas hydrates sampled at GC185 ...
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(Table 2) Molecular and isotopic composition of hydrocarbons and CO2 of gas h...
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(Table 1) TOC and hydrocarbon gas contents in sediment samples
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(Table 2) Steady state calculation of diffusion coefficient from ODP Hole 75-...
Detection limit of 0.01 ng/g used. -
(Table 1) Recovery of C1-C5 hydrocarbons from lithified sediments
Position of East Cameron samples (EC) estimated from map. -
(Table 3) Molecular compositions of the occluded hydrate of the Gulf of Mexic...
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(Table 1) Suspected gas hydrate occurrence on DSDP Leg 66 Holes
Evidence for naturally occurring methane hydrates was collected at three drill sites off the southern Mexico continental margin. The hydrates are manifested either by ice... -
(Table 1) Carbon, hydrocarbons and observations at DSDP Holes 67-497 and 67-498A
Gas hydrates are icelike materials that form when specific conditions of temperature, pressure, and gas composition are simultaneously satisfied. Among the first descriptions of... -
(Table T4) Headspace gas concentrations of hydrocarbons, Holes U1329C and U1329E
C1 (mmol/l)=dissolved residual methane obtained by the headspace equilibration method