Concentration and accumulation rates of alkenone, relative abundance of C37:4...
This dataset includes concentration and accumulation rates of alkenone, the percentage of C37:4, and SST calculation based on the alkenone concentration of Core MSM12/2-05-01... -
Alkenone concentration, accumulation rates, and SSTs of sediment core MSM12/2...
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Sea surface temperature and biomarker of IODP Site 341-U1419
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Alkenone concentrations of sediment core KK12-2, Lake Karakul, Tajikistan
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Organic biomarker records from the Pliocene to earliest Quaternary of ODP Sit...
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Figure 2. Sedimentation rate and calculated sea surface temperature of sedime...
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(Table S3) Sea surface temperature and relative abundance of C37:4 alkenone i...
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(Table S2) Sea surface temperature and relative abundance of C37:4 alkenone i...
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Alkenone sea surface temperatures, ice rafted debris, terrestrial/aquatic n-a...
We present a new multiproxy data set obtained from IODP core site U1417 (56.9598N, -147.109W, water depth -4187.5m) in the Gulf of Alaska. The sediments were collected during... -
Bulk geochemical and lipid biomarker data for sediment core MD07-3128
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(Table 2) Alkenones in surface water samples of J.K. ROSS cruise JR51
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(Table 1) Alkenones in surface water samples of J.K. ROSS cruise JR44
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(Table 2) Concentration of long chained alkenones and alkenes in sediment sur...
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Alkenone data from ODP Hole 162-983C
Alkenone data from ODP Site 983 (UK37, UK'37 and %C37:4) spanning the 0.5-1.5 Ma interval, used to reconstruct sea surface temperatures and polar water mass expansion during the... -
Sea surface temperature reconstruction for the middle Pleistocene from sedime...
Past sea surface water conditions of the western Iberian Margin were reconstructed based on biomarker analyses of a marine deep sea core MD03-2699 from the Estremadura Spur... -
Biomarker of sediment core MD99-2274
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Alkenone-based sea surface temperature reconstruction and abundance of tetra-...
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Alkenones in sediment core PSh-5159N
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(Table S2) Alkenone (C37:4) determination from Hurleg Lake
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Percentage of tetra-unsaturated alkenone (C37:4) in sediment of ODP Hole 104-...
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