Methane hydrate formation in the presence of clay minerals
We will study the formation of methane hydrates in situ in the presence of swelling clays. The aim is to understand and control heterogeneous hydrate nucleation at this... -
Revealing the structures of porous liquids
New technological advances require new types of materials. For example, currently there is no economical technology for capturing carbon dioxide released from power plants. We... -
Investigation of the relevant thermodynamic parameters for the production of ...
With fantastic flux gains over its liquid conterpart, a solid methane moderator is essential to the newly built Second Target Station at ISIS. Unfortunately, it is notoriously... -
Study of gas absorption in MCM41.
We have studied the absorption of nitrogen gas in MCM41 on NIMROD at a pressure of 1 bar and at temperatures to 87K (A K Soper and D T Bowron, Chem. Phys. Lett., DOI:... -
A robust metal-organic framework with exceptional capability for dynamic hydr...
The study of porous metal-organic framework (MOF) materials has attracted considerable attention. We seek to develop new stable MOFs for practical separation of light... -
Investigating the Structure of Porous Liquids
Porous liquids are a counter-intuitive new class of porous material consisting of a liquid with permanent, empty holes. They are unique in that they combine the fluidity of... -
Dynamics of hydrogen guests and host lattice in clathrates with different str...
The proposing team has a well established experience in the use of neutron scattering on samples containing molecular hydrogen. Our recent experimental results on cubic hydrogen... -
Neutron Scattering and Structural Measurements of CO2 and CD4 Adsorption in M...
Shale is an increasingly viable source of economic quantities of natural gas worldwide. Most of the gas is contained within the fine pores, thus characterizing accessibility and... -
Network compression and pressure-induced amorphisation in Zn(CN)2
Zn(CN)2 is an important material because it shows isotropic NTE over a large temperature range and to an extent more than double that of ZrW2O8. This unusual behaviour... -
Explore the Role of Methyl Groups on Guest Binding in two Metal-Organic Frame...
We seek to develop new stable MOFs for practical separation and storage of CO2 and light hydrocarbons and request 3 days on WISH to study the preferred binding sites of adsorbed... -
Determinations of the Preferred Binding Sites within Extended Porous Frameworks
Constructing new porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is receiving considerable attention worldwide and is a ¿hot topic¿ owing to their potential for gas storage, separation,... -
In situ Investigation of the Locations of Gas Molecules within a Decorated Po...
In the coming year, we plan to build upon the success of last cycle by carrying out more hydrocarbon studies of this porous material NOTT-300 and one of its iso-structural... -
In situ Investigation of the Locations of Gas Molecules within a Decorated Po...
We request 4 days on WISH to study the preferred binding sites and locations of adsorbed gas molecules (CO2,NO2 and D2) within a decorated Al(III)-carboxylate porous framework... -
Neutron Scattering and Structural Measurements of CO2 and CD4 Adsorption in M...
Shale is an increasingly viable source of economic quantities of natural gas worldwide. Most of the gas is contained within the fine pores, thus characterizing accessibility and... -
Exceptionally High Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide and Light Hydrocarbons in a T...
Porous functional metal-organic framework (MOF) materials show great potential for high capacity gas storage and separation. We seek to develop new materials for carbon capture...