Social Influence and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovations Repeat Survey, 2020
This dataset was collected as part of the SILCI project (‘Social influence and disruptive low carbon innovations’). The SILCI project ran from 2016 - 2021 at the Tyndall Centre... -
Data for Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Climate Change in Brazi...
This data collection consists of bioeconomic parameters useful for modelling sustainable farm systems in Brazil. The data is based on representative systems for the Amazon,... -
Making Climate Social: Tweets Related to "Climate Change: The Facts", 2019
Social media is a transformative digital technology, collapsing the "six degrees of separation" which have previously characterised many social networks, and breaking down many... -
Making Climate Social: Tweets Related to Climate Change, 2019
Social media is a transformative digital technology, collapsing the "six degrees of separation" which have previously characterised many social networks, and breaking down many... -
Watigueleya Kèlê Socio-Economic and Climate Resilience Survey in Marginalised...
This data collection was produced based on a household and an individual survey of socio-economic status and climate resilience in ten villages of Guinea, Mali and Senegal... -
Interviews with actors concerned with local transport decarbonisation in the ...
Interviews with actors concerned with local transport decarbonisation in the UK, including challenges related to finance, governance arrangements, and public support. Data were...