Replication Data for: Dataset of Consumer-Based Activity Trackers as a Tool f...
Data were collected from 113 participants, who shared their physical activity (PA) data using privately owned smart watches and activity trackers from Garmin and Fitbit. This... -
Anàlisi de la toxicitat de la política espanyola a Twitter durant la pandèmia...
Llistat dels tweets analitzats en la recerca de l'article "La toxicidad de la política española en Twitter durante la pandemia de la COVID-19" que es publica a la revista... -
Variables relacionadas con la vacunación contra la COVID-19 y la reticencia v...
Respuestas al cuestionario sobre vacunación contra la COVID-19 por parte de la población general y profesionales sanitarios. Esta información incluye datos sociodemográficos... -
Replication data for Pneumococcal carriage in family households during a COVI...
The dataset contains the anonimized raw data described in the paper " Pneumococcal carriage in family households during a COVID-19 national lockdown” by Pedro Brotons et al... -
Replication Data for Determinants of early antibody responses to COVID-19 mRN...
Databases containing raw analytical data obtained in the SEROCOV-1 and SEROCOVAC studies and personal covariates used in the publication Moncunill G, Aguilar R, et al... -
Datos cuantitativos y cualitativos sobre el impacto de la pandemia de la COVI...
El conjunto de datos que se ponen a disposición, proceden de dos instrumentos: por un lado, el Cuestionario de CENTRO que ha sido administrado telemáticamente a los equipos... -
Replication Data for Seven-month kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and role o...
Database containing raw analytical data obtained in the SEROCOV-1 study and personal covariates used by Ortega-Ribes et al. (Nature Communications, 2021). Data correspond to... -
Correlates of protection and determinants of SARS CoV 2 breakthrough infectio...
The emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants and the waning of immunity raise concerns about vaccine effectiveness and protection against COVID-19. While antibody response has been... -
Data set for a predictive model for Spain on the economic impact of the COVID...
The global COVID-19 spread has forced countries to implement non-pharmacological interventions (NPI) to preserve health systems. Spain is one of the most severely impacted... -
Data on the effect of early treatment with ivermectin on viral load, symptoms...
The trial was conducted in the Pamplona metropolitan area (Navarra, Spain). Patients were enrolled between July 31, 2020 and September 11, 2020 and randomized in a 1:1 ratio to... -
Replication data for: La función mediadora entre la familia y los sistemas de...
Se presentan datos en relación a la tarea de apoyo social de los centros socioeducativos (CSE) durante la fase de confinamiento del COVID-19, con los niños, niñas y adolescentes... -
Loneliness and diurnal cortisol levels during COVID-19 lockdown: the roles of...
These data accompany the manuscript "Loneliness and diurnal cortisol levels during COVID-19 lockdown: the roles of living situation, relationship status and relationship... -
COVID-19 within families amplifies the prosociality gap between adolescents o...
COVID-19 has had worse health, education and labor market effects on groups with low socio-economic status (SES) than on those with high SES. Little is known, however, about... -
Data and codes for "Estimating the impact of influenza on the epidemiological...
Data and R codes associated with the manuscript "Estimating the impact of influenza on the epidemiological dynamics of SARS-CoV-2" (https://peerj.com/articles/12566/). -
Codes from: "The pitfalls of inferring virus-virus interactions from co-detec...
R codes to reproduce the results presented in the paper "The pitfalls of inferring virus-virus interactions from co-detection prevalence data: Application to influenza and... -
Mindfulness Effects on Anxiety: Disentangling the Role of Decentering and Tre...
This publication package contains all study files relevant for the publication. Language: English, with qualitative data in Dutch. -
KiCoS Metadata Template (German) - Metadaten Vorlage (Deutsch)
Metadata template for study data submission to KiCoS Community in German. Metadaten Vorlage für Dateneinreichung auf der KiCoS Community auf Deutsch. -
Corona Kita Studie - Modul 3 - CATS - Corona Kita Surveillance
Ziel: 1. Untersuchung der Häufigkeit von COVID-19 Erkrankungen von Kindern mit/ohne Teilnahme an der Kindertagesbetreuung 2. Untersuchung der Rolle der Kinder bezüglich... -
KiCoS Metadata Template (German) - Metadaten Vorlage (Deutsch)
Metadaten Vorlage für Dateneinreichung auf der KiCoS Community auf Deutsch. Metadata template for study data submission to KiCoS Community in German. -
COrona und PSYche: Die COPSY-Längsschnittstudie zur psychischen Gesundheit un...
COPSY ist die erste deutschlandweite repräsentative Längsschnittstudie, welche die psychische Gesundheit und Lebensqualität von Kindern und Jugendlichen während der COVID-19...