Chemical composition of clinoptilolite crystals from ODP Hole 108-661A (Table 2)
At ODP Site 661 from the continental margin of Northwest Africa, authigenic clinoptilolites were investigated in detail. Based on chemical data, crystal size and shape and their... -
Ar-Ar ages of iceberg-rafted debris from Scotia Sea IODP Site 382-U1538
Ar-Ar ages of 58 individual hornblendes and micas picked from a discrete iceberg-rafted layer deposited ~1.2 Ma at IODP U1538. The layer was recovered 310.79–310.82 meters below... -
(Table 2) Ar-Ar results for minerals from ODP Hole 173-1070A
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(Table 2) Ar-Ar results for minerals from ODP Hole 173-1069A
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(Table 2) Ar-Ar results for minerals from ODP Hole 173-1068A
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(Table 2) Ar-Ar results for minerals from ODP Hole 173-1067A
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(Table) Argon isotope ratios and argon ages of rocks obtained from the Cherno...
Structural-petrologic and isotopic-geochronologic data on magmatic, metamorphic, and metasomatic rocks from the Chernorud zone were used to reproduce the multistage history of... -
(Table T2) 40Ar-39Ar data on milligram-sized fractions, ODP Hole 178-1097A
178-1097A-27R-1,35-58, (6.8 mg) J = 0.0006101 -
(Table T2) 40Ar-39Ar data on milligram-sized fractions, ODP Hole 178-1103A
178-1103A-36R-3,4-8 (10.7 mg) J = 0.0006055 -
(Table T3) 40Ar-39Ar data on multi-grain fractions, ODP Hole 178-1103A
178-1103A-36R-3,4-8 (30 grains) J = 0.0006055; 178-1103A-31R-2,0-4 (30 grains) J = 0.0006015; Note: the final step was lost for a technical reason. -
(Table T3) 40Ar-39Ar data on multi-grain fractions, ODP Hole 178-1097A
178-1097A-27R-1,35-58 (10 grains) J = 0.0006101 -
(Table T1) Electron microprobe data on groundmass glasses, ODP Hole 178-1103A
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(Table EA2) Individual 40Ar/39Ar analysis of volcanic rocks from Hikurangi an...
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40Ar/39Ar isotopic analyse of basaltic rocks of IODP Site 369-U1513
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(Data Set S1) 40Ar/39Ar age determination of hornblende and biotite in Aurora...
AGE [ka BP] is approximate age. DEPTH, sediment/rock [m] gives the upper sampling depth. -
Calcium/Potassium ratio of sediment core Lake Van, Eastern Anatolian high pla...
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(Fig. 4C) Calcium/Potassium ratio of sediment core Lake Van, Eastern Anatolia...
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(Table 1) Representative analyses of the main minerals in samples from East A...
Biotite and white mica: structural formulae on the basis of 22 oxygens. Ca-amphibole: ferrous and ferric iron contents determined by charge balance and structural formulae on... -
(Table 4) 40Ar-39Ar data of white mica single grains from East Antarctica
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(Table 3) 40Ar-39Ar data of samples from East Antarctica
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