Solid-phase porosity, grain sizes, TOC, 210Pbxs and 137Cs data for sediment c...
This dataset includes solid-phase porosities, grain sizes (D10, D50 and mud contents), total organic carbon (TOC) contents, 210Pbxs activities and 137Cs activities (both with... -
Excess 210Pb, 137Cs, total organic carbon content, and δ13C isotopic ratio of...
Sediment core (gravity core) HH14-897-GC-MF was collected from Brepolen Bay, inner Hornsund, Svalbard (76°59.555' N; 016°24.313' E), from a water depth of 125 m, on 18.10.2014,... -
Excess 210Pb, 137C, total organic carbon content, HBI biomarkers (IPSO25, HBI...
Sediment core 2018_R2_2F was collected from Sheldon Cove, Antarctic Peninsula (67.55°S 68.27°W) from a water depth of 177 m, in December 2018 as part of expedition JR18003 by... -
Lead content of sediment cores from cruise NBP19-02
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Sediment solid phase characteristics on the Amazon shelf obtained in April/Ma...
The Amazon River is known as a region of intense biochemical reactivity. As a result of increased anthropogenic impacts in its catchment (e.g. population growth, agriculture,...