Environment variables from a typical thaw slump on the northern Qinghai-Tibet...
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Biological soil quality of the DOK long-term field experiment from spring sam...
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Effects of soil management on soil parameters in nine German vineyards in sum...
Soil variables responding to different types of vineyard inter-row soil management were in the Rhein-Hesse area, Germany, in 2017. Each vineyard exhibited 4 experimental plots... -
Effects of soil management on soil parameters in nine German vineyards in sum...
Soil variables responding to different types of vineyard inter-row soil management were in the Rhein-Hesse area, Germany, in 2016. Each vineyard exhibited 4 experimental plots... -
Total organic carbon, biogenic silica concentrations, total nitrogen concentr...
Total organic carbon (TOC), biogenic silica (BSi) concentrations, total nitrogen (TN) concentrations and carbon nitrogen ratios (C/N) from short sediment core, which was taken... -
Soil and environmental data of a pasture of Andossi in the Italian Alps
IUSS Working Group WRB (2015) World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2014 - Update 2015) -
Mean laboratory results for soil C, N and ground ice characteristics for perm...
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Chemical data of soil density fractions from Gaburumata mangrove, Ishigaki Is...
The study area, located along the Gaburumata River on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan (24°30'18.5N, 124°14'52.2E), comprises a mangrove forest covering approximately... -
Organic carbon and calcium carbonate concentrations in bulk sediment of gravi...
Bound by the Asian continent to the northwest and north and the Kurile-Kamchatka-Island Arc to the east and southeast, the Sea of Okhotsk is the second largest marginal sea of... -
Bulk sediment concentrations of peat core IMB100, Imbonga, Democratic Republi...
This data publication contains an organic geochemistry dataset from the IMB100 peat core, recoverd from a river proximal peatland in the Cuvette Centrale, Democratic Republic of... -
Post 1986 lake sediment carbon accumulation from 213 lakes in Finland and lak...
Dataset contains lake sediment accumulation data from 213 different lakes in boreal Finland that can be used to calculate modern carbon (post 1986) sediment accumulation rates.... -
Stoichiometric sample parameters from boreal peat at FN-Land_2022_SiikanevaPe...
This dataset reports basic chemical and physical characteristics measured in intact sphagnum and peat samples sourced from a boreal peatland complex (Siikaneva Bog, Finland).... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth rate of a bloom forming macroalga
Introduction: The coastal macroalgal genus, Ulva, is found worldwide and is considered a nuisance algal genus due to its propensity for forming vast blooms. The response of Ulva... -
Nitrous oxide fluxes from permafrost regions
This dataset is a synthesis of published nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from permafrost-affected soils in Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine permafrost regions. The data includes mean... -
Soil properties and humus forms in 50-year old and 80-year Red Oak stands and...
The effects of substitution of natural mixed forest by red oak forest on humus forms and soil properties were investigated in two paired plots: a 50-year-old (Bosco Ginestre)... -
Ontogenetic scale cortisol, body condition, and gut content analyses of juven...
To quantify chronic stress levels in milkfish cultured within a typical commercial mariculture setting, we measured ontogenetic (OG) scale cortisol of milkfish sampled from four... -
Experimental CHN measurements from Arctic kelp communites of simulated marin...
Further descriptions: T01-9 are individuals labeled 1 – 9 measured at timepoint T0 Treatment is the assigned condition: C0, C1, C2, C3 with M0 - M2 as replicates* ID is tag... -
Sediment characteristics of samples from the Chatham Rise, Southwest Pacific
We examined changes in environmental parameters following an experimental benthic disturbance using a modified plough (estimated 15 cm penetration) on the Chatham Rise (~450 m... -
(Table 3) Organic geochemistry of ODP Hole 108-657A
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(Table 2) Organic geochemistry of ODP Site 108-659
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