20th-century art music in Barcelona (Spain): concerts and record-listening s...
The dataset gathers information of concerts and record-listening sessions of 20th-century art music in Barcelona (Spain) between 1948 and 1960. The research was focused on the... -
Carolingian pottery from the northeastern Catalan counties
The sixty ceramic individuals studied in this project were recovered in Empúries, Besalú, and Rosselló counties (Catalonia). These ceramics dated to the 10th—11th centuries AD... -
Protohistoric Combustion Structures from the Western Mediterranean
[ENG] Database of combustion structures (hearths and ovens) of the western Mediterranean during protohistory (1st millennium BC). It includes data on the location of the... -
Phoenician pottery in Sant Jaume (Alcanar, Catalonia)
These data correspond to the chemical and mineralogical analyses conducted on a sample of 58 individuals of wheel-thrown pottery that has been analysed by X-ray fluorescence... -
Results of the MiCREATE survey on migrant children in Catalan schools
This dataset contains all the quantitative data coming from the survey implemented in ten Spanish schools during Work Packages (WP) 5, 6, and 7 of the MiCREATE project. This... -
Outdoor acoustic measurements at Santa Maria d'Àneu, Pallars Sobirà, Catalonia
The dataset includes sound level meter readings and audio files recorded at two receiver points (R1 and R2) near the church of Santa Maria d'Àneu (Pallars Sobirà, Catalonia). We... -
Translations and Reviews in Iberoamerican Modernist Periodicals (dataset)
This dataset records translations and reviews of foreign works published in Spanish or Latin American modernist journals (understanding 'modernist' in the anglophone sense)....