Study of vibron quasibound state in RAg1-xCuxAl3, 0<x<1 (R=Ce and La) through...
We propouse the study of crystal-field or vibron excitations along the series RAgxCu1-xAl3 (R=Ce and La, 0<x<1), where we expect to studing two main aspects. The first one... -
Inelastic neutron scattering investigations of the high temperature phase tra...
Recently it has been reported that YbAl3C3 undergoes an antiferromagnetic quadrupolar ordering transition at 80 K, Further study by Ochiai et al. revealed that the transition at... -
Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction Study on [U(C5Me5)2(H)(mu¿H)]2
To our knowledge, the length of the U¿H single bond has never been accurately measured, at least not in a molecular compound by single-crystal neutron diffraction. We currently... -
Vibrational Dynamics of Alkali Silicate Glasses - An Isotopic Mass Contrast S...
The present proposal is part of a larger EPSRC project advancing the vibrational spectroscopy of silicate glasses. The project involves the techniques of IR and Raman... -
Copy of: Magnetic excitations in the one dimensional (1D) spin-chain systems:...
The spin-chain systems with general formula A¿3ABO6, crystallizing in the K4CdCl6 type structure has attracted a lot attention in recent years due to geometrical frustration... -
Magnetic structures of antiferromagnetic heavy fermion CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 co...
CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 compounds crystallize in the tetragonal I4mm, BaNiSn3-type and display interesting bulk properties. Here we propose to investigate the magnetic structures of... -
Study of hybridization gap formation in a single crystal of the heavy-Fermion...
The solution of the Anderson lattice model (ALM) leads to two renormalized bands near EF with an energy gap due to hybridization between the 4f- and conduction electrons. The... -
Spin-phonon coupling in heavy fermion CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 compounds
To understand this novel ground state of CeCuAl3, we have carried out low and high-energies inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements using the IRIS and HET spectrometers....