Supplementary Data for: Cellulose as a Sustainable Reagent in Flotation: Mech...
The dataset includes search results from the Scopus database, using various sets of keywords: 1) 'Nanocellulose', 2) 'Cellulose' and 'Flotation' 3) 'Nano', 'Cellulose' and... -
Polysaccharide structures in HMWDOM and POM at the North Sea detected by carb...
Here, we traced the abundance of 27 polysaccharide epitopes in dissolved and particulate organic matter along a three month diatom bloom period in the North Sea. We used a... -
Greenland triple tree ring isotope records
Stable isotope ratios from tree rings are important proxies of past climate variations. We have analysed non-dated wood material from a larch (Larix sp.) recovered from glacial... -
Celluslose content form trees of the glacier forefields and peat bog sites lo...
The cellulose content (CC %) was measured in each sample and calculated from the weight of dry wood and the α-cellulose weight obtained after the cellulose extraction (Ziehmer... -
(Table 4.3.4) Rates of microbial processes in bottom sediments of the Bataban...
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Degree of substitution of cellulose acetate and other esters: Raw ATR-FTIR sp...
Degree of substitution of cellulose acetate and other esters: Raw ATR-FTIR spectra and DS data obtained from IR integration, 1H NMR and 31P NMR Authors Frank Rhein, Timo Sehn,... -
(Table 44-1) Cellulose decomposition rate, abundance of cellulose bacteria, c...
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(Table 44-2) Cellulose decomposition rate, abundance of cellulose bacteria, c...
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(Table 1) Some physical and chemical parameters of bottom sediments from the ...
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Structure of Cellulose Nanofibril Gels with Different Surfactants
This proposal is part of a project based on understanding the formation of gels in suspensions of partially oxidised cellulose nanofibrils and small amounts of additives, such... -
Structure of Cellulose Nanofibril Gels with Alcohols
Our group has been working partially oxidized cellulose nanofibrils which form gels in aqueous formulations. Recently we have observed that these fibrils also gel when dialysed... -
Structure of Cellulose Nanofibril Gels
This proposal is part of a new project based on understanding the formation of gels in suspensions of partially oxidised cellulose nanofibrils with small amounts of salt or... -
Large Scale Structure in CTAB/SDS-Polymer Solutions
This proposal continues our investigations into polyelectrolyte-surfactant solutions which form films at the air-solution interface. We have found that solutions of mixed... -
Response of Cellulose Nanofibril Gels to Shear
Partially oxidised cellulose nanofibrils have recently been found to form gels in the presence of small amounts of salt or surfactant. As cellulose is a renewable, sustainable... -
Investigating the Dissolution Mechanism of Cellulose in Ionic Liquids
Cellulose is one of the most abundant renewable natural resources on Earth, and it has been estimated that in the order of 400,000 tonnes/year of paper and additional 100,000... -
INS study for the structural characterization of cellulosic nanostructured ma...
As a response to fossil fuels scarceness and a growing awareness of environmental threats, the quest for sustainable alternatives to oil and oil-based products is a must.... -
Structural characterization of cellulose-based nanocomposites
Cellulose, known as a fascinating biopolymer and a never ending-source of new sustainable materials, is attracting increasing attention in different fields owing to its... -
Centrifugal Force Spun Fibres
Centrifugal force spinning is a technique that has recently come into light as an easy route to producing large quantities of nano- to micro- scale polymer fibres in a short... -
Cross-linked Electrospun Fibres containing Cellulose
In this proposal we shall explore the nature of electrospun fibres produced from blends of cellulose and polystyrene which we shall use as a model to develop high strength...