Stduying the Proximity effect in Co/CuMn Multilayers
A direct measurement of the spin accumulation in a magnetic nanostructure is a key requirement to the theoretical and ultimately technological exploitation of picosecond... -
Neutron reflection from surface-induced nana-stratified He-3/He-4 mixtures
It is proposed to use neutron reflectometry to study surface-induced nano-stratification of 3He-4He mixtures in the ultra-low temperature limit. The experiment promises to... -
Magnetic Profile of a Novel Magnetic Quantum Well
Proximity effects associated with magnetic impurities embedded in paramagnetic Pd have been known to produced so-called giant moments. It has been demonstrated that confining Fe... -
Neutron reflection from the surface of a liquid 3He-4He mixture
In our previous experiments we have investigated the surface properties of liquid 3He - 4He mixtures by neutron reflection. We have shown that in broad temperature range there... -
Polarized neutron reflectormetry study of ultra-thin FeRh films.
FeRh in the CsCl structure is an interesting material with a tunable magnetostructural phase transition close to, or just above room temperature. On heating through the... -
On the ninety degree perpendicular domain wall in FePt/FeRh thin films.
Magnetic structures with an out of plane magnetic moment can be found in the latest generation hard disk drive. Interactions between a material with controllable out of plane... -
Understanding the role of strain and applied field in the metamagnetic transi...
FeRh exhibits a fascinating structural and magnetic transition from room temperature antiferromagnetism to ferromagnetism at higher temperatures. This complex transition is... -
An externally controllable, purely magnetic interface in spatially doped FeRh
We intend the measure the neutron reflectivity of a purely magnetic interface generated at a ferromagnetic/antiferromagnet phase boundary within an FeRh epilayer, a material... -
Neutorn Reflection from a 3He layer adsorbed onto liquid 4He
More than four decades ago A. F. Andreev predicted theoretically the existence of quantum statesof 3He atoms on free surface of liquid 4He . In other words, at low temperatures,... -
A Study of the Reduced interfacial Magnetisation in a Heusler/Insualator Tunn...
For many Heusler compounds a spin polarisation close to 100% was predicted by band structure calculations. Thus if those materials are incorporated in magnetic tunnel junctions,... -
Thermal and spin currents: making them work for us
The spin Seebeck effect is a newly discovered phenomenon that if harnessed, could result in a significant improvement of the efficiency of thermoelectric energy generators. In... -
Polarized Neutron Reflectometry study of proximity effects in YBa2Cu3O7-d / L...
To continue with our study on the interaction between superconducting (SC) and ferromagnetic (FM) order parameters we propose to study, by means of Polarized Neutron... -
Neutron scattering from topological magnetic structures in Fe1-xCoxSi
FeSi is a member of the transition metal (TM) monosilicides. The crystal structure is isostructural from MnSi through to CoSi with magnetic properties that alter dramatically... -
Study of canted magnetic states in GdCo/Si/Co/Si multilayers
Magnetic rare earth/transition metal (RE/TM) multilayers have been a subject of considerableinterest in recent years, given the antiferromagnetic exchange coupling between RE... -
Neutron reflectometry study of liquid helium surface
In our recent experiment RB1120146 we have obtained new exciting results on neutron scattering on liquid He surface. At 1.5 and 2.3K there was no difference in reflectivity... -
Interface between FeF2 and Bi2Se3
One of the current challenges in solid state physics is the observation and ultimately control of the Majorana excitations sometimes called Majorana fermions. Devices based on... -
Magnetic hysteresis loops in off-specular scattering
Reflectometry is a technique that is capable of vector magnetometry. By selecting the appropriate valves of Q we could access the different forms of magnetic disorder, either... -
Uncompensated moments in antiferromagnetic barriers in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 / La0.3...
Recently, we have demonstrated that a large ferromagnetic moment can be induced at theinsulating barrier (La0.3Ca0.7MnO3 (LC7MO)) separating two... -
Temperature dependent interface magnetisation of Heusler compounds in magneti...
A large magnetoresistance (TMR) is expected when half metallic ferromagnets are used in magnetic tunneling junctions with polycrystalline AlOx barrier. We have recently observed... -
Polarised Neutron Reflectometry from Frustrated Nanomagnet Arrays
We propose to study off-specular polarised neutron reflectivity from an array of CoFeB nanostructures. Many groups use Permalloy to form these types of nanostructures, however,...