847 datasets found

Keywords: Children

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  • Youth in Europe Study (YES!)

    Youth in Europe Study (YES!) is the name of the survey study within the project "Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries" (CILS4EU). It is an...
  • Umeå SIMSAM Lab: Ett registerbaserat forskningsprogram som knyter samman barn...

    The Umea ̊ SIMSAM Lab in a nutshell: 1) The Lab was established for interdisciplinary research from childhood into lifelong health and welfare. It provides individual-level...
  • Gymnastikaktiviteter i skolan 1973-1974

    In 1972, the GAIS project, Gymnastics activities in school, was launched at the Institute of Education in Gothenburg. The project was the working title. The aim was to study...
  • 222 Stockholmspojkar

    This survey is an attempt to a social psychiatric mapping of a group of boys growing up in Stockholm. In 1955 the participating boys was tested in a number of different ways....
  • Kvinnor i Sverige 1981 - om familj och arbetsliv

    This investigation on Swedish women aged 20-45 years shed light on their views on family and working life. The questions are divided into nine parts: Background describe marital...
  • Serviceundersökningen: Barnomsorg i fem typkommuner 1993

    This survey was carried out within the framework of the research programme ´Demokrati i förändring´. The survey was carried out in four municipalities; Grästorp, Kävlinge,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1982

    This is the second study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1984

    This is the fourth study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1985

    This is the fifth study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1986

    This is the sixth study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1987

    This is the seventh study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1988

    This is the eighth study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1989

    This is the ninth study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1990

    This is the tenth study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1991

    This is the eleventh study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1992

    This is the twelfth study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Traffic Safety Board,...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1993

    This is the 13th study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the the Swedish National Road...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1994

    This is the 14th study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Swedish National Road...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1995

    This is the 15th study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Swedish National Road...
  • Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten 1996

    This is the 16th study in a series of annual surveys on road safety conducted since 1981. The study is conducted by Statistics Sweden on behalf of the Swedish National Road...
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