TemBi 2014 mesocosm study: Summer storm effect on phytoplankton community com...
We simulated an experimental summer storm in large-volume (~1200 m3, ~16m depth) enclosures in Lake Stechlin (https://www.lake-lab.de) by mixing deeper water masses from the... -
100 Algal genome project (ALG-ALL-CODE Project) Part-1 (PRJNA517804) and Part...
100 Algal genome project (ALG-ALL-CODE Project)-part-1-and part-2. Microalgae are integral primary producers for the global ecosystem and can produce diverse, commercially... -
16S rRNA amplicon sequencing data for tardigrade cultures and laboratory envi...
16S rRNA amplicon sequencing data for cultured tardigrades and culture environment -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and photosynthetic pigments and photophysiology ...
Ocean acidification, due to increased levels of anthropogenic carbon dioxide, is known to affect the physiology and growth of marine phytoplankton, especially in polar regions....