Elemental composition of sediment core PG2208
Core sections were opened alongside and cut into halves of which one was used for non-destructive XRF scanning and back-up material, while the other one was subsampled for... -
(Fig. 4) Elemental composition of sediment core PG1984
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(Table T2) Normalized median-scaled (NMS) data for all scans along splice for...
Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, and Fe, are from the 10 kV scan; Ba is from the 50 kV scan. -
(Table T1) Raw XRF scan peak area data for all scans on Site U1338, unspliced
Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, and Fe are from the 10 kV scan; Ba is from the 50 kV scan.