Potentiella indikatorer på tillgång till solenergi i stadsplanering - Mätvärd...
The data contains results of a study that analysed solar access metrics for urban planning purposes. The purpose was to evaluate metric correlations to find suitable simple... -
Vindtunnelmätningar för stickade vindbarriärprototyper
This data was gathered for a study that focused on knitted textiles since they have several properties that offer potentials for wider applications within the built environment.... -
Dataset från en dagvattenreningsanläggning med flera reningssteg vid E4, Sund...
The data were collected from a stormwater treatment train facility in Sundsvall, Sweden. The facility consists of a gross pollutant trap (GPT) followed by three parallel... -
Dataset för dagvattenbiofilter kolonnstudier: påverkan av temperatur, salt oc...
This data set presents the full raw data from bioretention column studies conducted at Luleå University of Technology in 2010-2014. The pilot scale columns were watered with... -
JSON dataset för simulerad byggnadsvärmekontroll för system-av-system interop...
Interoperability in systems-of-systems is a difficult problem due to the abundance of data standards and formats. Current approaches to interoperability rely on hand-made... -
JSON dataset för simulerad byggnadsvärmekontroll för system-av-system interop...
Interoperability in systems-of-systems is a difficult problem due to the abundance of data standards and formats. Current approaches to interoperability rely on hand-made... -
Avloppsvattens inkommande och utgående koncentrationer från minireningsverk i...
The data contains influent and effluent concentrations of traditional parameters measured in on-site package plants for domestic wastewater treatment serving single houses or... -
Klimatpåverkan och primär energianvändning under livscykeln hos el- och biobr...
Heavy trucks contribute significantly to climate change, and in 2020 were responsible for 7% of total Swedish GHG emissions and 5% of total global CO2 emissions. Here we study... -
Resandets demokratisering efter 1820
The study deals with the variations of caravan traffic, i.e. the number of departed horses per year in the whole country and in various counties (1855-1906) and in tax charge... -
Ljudfiler för en sömnstudie av stomljud från järnvägstunnlar - Huvudförsök
In residential areas around railway tunnels, there is no direct airborne noise from the railways, but residents may be exposed to ground borne noise. Nocturnal airborne railway... -
Ljudfiler för en sömnstudie av stomljud från järnvägstunnlar - Pilotstudie
In residential areas around railway tunnels, there is no direct airborne noise from the railways, but residents may be exposed to ground borne noise. Nocturnal airborne railway... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
GIS-baserad Tidsmodell. Göteborg, 1960-2015
The GIS-based Time model of Gothenburg aims to map the process of urban development in Gothenburg since 1960 and in particular to document the changes in the spatial form of the... -
GIS-baserad Tidsmodell. Göteborg, 1960-2016_2
The GIS-based Time model of Gothenburg aims to map the process of urban development in Gothenburg since 1960 and in particular to document the changes in the spatial form of the...