Labelled Siberian boreal forest types shapefiles based on field surveys: deta...
This dataset represents 103 labelled approx. 60x60 meters shapefiles representing different forest types. Seventy-nine sites were visited forest plots during AWI field... -
Database of deep-sea benthic fauna occurrences along the Brazilian Continenta...
The dataset contains species occurrence records of deep-sea benthic fauna distributed along the Brazilian Continental Margin (BCM). Benthic records from existing and openly... -
Spatial layers supporting the revised nomination proforma for the North Atlan...
This dataset is a compilation of spatial layers and scientific data underpinning the 2022-23 revision of the nomination proforma for the "North Atlantic Current and Evlanov Sea... -
Data set for modeling methane fluxes of Beringian coastal wetlands
For upscaling CH4 flux estimates in Beringia during the past 20,000 years, we collected 231 present-day CH4 fluxes from coastal wetlands in the Northern Hemisphere. We combined... -
Methane flux measurements from coastal wetlands on the Kenai Peninsula
The methane (CH4) flux was measured during a field campaign in August 2021 on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. We chose locations in coastal wetlands along transects to cover a... -
Protist (including algae) abundance and biodiversity data collected with shor...
The data has been collected during the year-long drift expedition "Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate" (MOSAiC) from September 2019 to... -
Pelagic protist (including phytoplankton) abundance and biodiversity data col...
The data has been collected during the the year-long drift expedition "Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate" (MOSAiC) from September 2019 to... -
Sea-ice protist (including ice algae) abundance and biodiversity data from ic...
The data has been collected during the expedition "Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate" (MOSAiC) from September 2019 to September 2020 on... -
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in seafood caught in Western and Central Med...
The present database contains the harmonised results of investigations on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seafood caught from FAO fishing divisions 37.1.3 (Sardinia),... -
Compilation of major and trace element concentrations in mesopelagic and othe...
Organisms accumulate major and trace elements (including metals) directly from the external environment and/or indirectly through diet. As such, their elemental composition can... -
Quantitative macroalgae survey and kelp morphometry data collected at Hansnes...
Surveys were performed for macroalgae fresh biomass, dry biomass, leaf area index and kelp morphometry at Hansneset, Blomstrand in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, from the infralittoral... -
Exploring functional traits of fish species in the Azores archipelago: a data...
This database contains functional traits of target and non-target fish species (Actinopterygii and Elasmobranchii) from the Azores archipelago, Portugal. The included traits are... -
Abundance and biomass of Arctic benthic species
While the Arctic may be an inhospitable environment at the surface, the benthos is teaming with life. Even though this wealth of life is known to exist, information on the... -
Annotated Southern Ocean diatom LM micrographs from POLARSTERN cruise PS103, ...
Samples were taken during expeditions PS103 by 20 µm mesh size plankton nets from ca. 15 to 0 m depth. To obtain clean siliceous diatom frustules, the samples were oxidized... -
Annotated Southern Ocean diatom LM micrographs from POLARSTERN cruise PS103, ...
Samples were taken during expeditions PS103 by 20 µm mesh size plankton nets from ca. 15 to 0 m depth. To obtain clean siliceous diatom frustules, the samples were oxidized... -
Annotated Southern Ocean diatom LM micrographs from POLARSTERN cruise PS103, ...
Samples were taken during expeditions PS103 by 20 µm mesh size plankton nets from ca. 15 to 0 m depth. To obtain clean siliceous diatom frustules, the samples were oxidized... -
Annotated Southern Ocean diatom LM micrographs from POLARSTERN cruise PS103, ...
Samples were taken during expeditions PS103 by 20 µm mesh size plankton nets from ca. 15 to 0 m depth. To obtain clean siliceous diatom frustules, the samples were oxidized... -
Annotated Southern Ocean diatom LM micrographs from POLARSTERN cruise PS79, 1...
Samples were taken during expeditions ANT-XXVII/2 (PS79) by 20 µm mesh size plankton nets from ca. 15 to 0 m depth. To obtain clean siliceous diatom frustules, the samples were... -
Annotated Southern Ocean diatom LM micrographs from POLARSTERN cruise PS79, 1...
Samples were taken during expeditions ANT-XXVII/2 (PS79) by 20 µm mesh size plankton nets from ca. 15 to 0 m depth. To obtain clean siliceous diatom frustules, the samples were... -
Annotated Southern Ocean diatom LM micrographs from POLARSTERN cruise PS79, 1...
Samples were taken during expeditions ANT-XXVII/2 (PS79) by 20 µm mesh size plankton nets from ca. 15 to 0 m depth. To obtain clean siliceous diatom frustules, the samples were...