27 datasets found

Keywords: Climate Modelling

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  • Extremely Wet Days (r99p)

    cdo -yearpctl,99 RR.nc -yearmin RR.nc -yearmax RR.nc out.nc Annual threshold for extreme heavy precipitation: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For r99p list...
  • Highest 1-day Precipitation (rx1day)

    cdo -yearmax RR.nc out.nc Highest single day precipitation: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For rx1day search the maximum value of RRt in one year. Climate...
  • Water Availability (wa)

    Water balance: Let ETi be the daily actual evapotranspiration [mm] (calculated by the daily surface latent heat flux) then WA is the daily average of the difference of the daily...
  • Rainy Season Characterisitics (rs)

    Rainy season: The onset is set as the cumulative minimum of daily precipitation anomalies over a year, the cessation is defined by the cumulative maximum. If a grid point is...
  • Rainy Days in Rainy Season (rdrs)

    cdo -yearsum -gec,1 RRmask.nc out.nc Number of rainy days in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For rdrs count all days in one year where RRt ≥...
  • Crop Water Need (cwn)

    Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (spei)

    A drought measure specified using precipitation and evaporation. Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index: A precipitation and evapotranspiration(Hargreaves) anomaly...
  • Heat Wave Duration Index (hwdi)

    cdo -eca_hwdi TX.nc -ydrunmean,5 TXref.nc out.nc Duration of Heat Wave: Let TXt be the daily maximum temperature on day t and TX’t be the climatological average of a running 5...
  • Rainy Days (rd)

    cdo -yearsum -gec,1 RR.nc out.nc Number of rainy days: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For rd count all days in one year where RRt ≥ 1mm. Climate Modell Data...
  • Warm Nights Percent (tn90p)

    cdo -eca_tn90p -ydrunpctl,90,5 TNref.nc -ydrunmin,5 TNref.nc -ydrunmax,5 TNref.nc out.nc Percentage of warm nights: Let TNt be the daily minimum temperature on day t and let...
  • Total Precipitation in Rainy Season (rtotrs)

    cdo -yearsum -ifthen -gec,1 RRmask.nc RRmask.nc out.nc Annual precipitation sum in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For rtotrs sum up RRt for...
  • Extremely Wet Days in Rainy Season (r99prs)

    cdo -yearpctl,99 RRmask.nc out.nc Annual threshold for extreme heavy precipitation in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For r99prs list all RRt...
  • Standardized Precipitation Index (spi)

    A drought measure specified as a precipitation deficit Standardized Precipitation Index: A precipitation anomaly is considered relativ to the mean precipitation of a reference...
  • LANDSURF - Climate Indices for Africa

    The dataset contains a wide range of climatological and agrometeorological indices of Africa for 1981-2100. The index calculation is based on global and regional climate models...
  • Water Availability (wa) * old

    Water balance: Let ETi be the daily actual evapotranspiration [mm] (calculated by the daily surface latent heat flux) then WA is the daily average of the difference of the daily...
  • Consecutive Wet Days in Rainy Season (cwdrs)

    cdo -eca_cwd RRmask.nc out.nc Duration of wet period in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For cwdrs count the largest number of consecutive days...
  • Very Warm Days Percent (tx90p)

    cdo -eca_tx90p -ydrunpctl,90,5 TXref.nc -ydrunmin,5 TXref.nc -ydrunmax,5 TXref.nc out.nc Percentage of warm days: Let TXt be the daily maximum temperature on day tand let TXin90...
  • Cold Nights Percent (tn10p)

    cdo -eca_tn10p -ydrunpctl,10,5 TNref.nc -ydrunmin,5 TNref.nc -ydrunmax,5 TNref.nc out.nc Percentage of cold nights: Let TNt be the daily minimum temperature on day t and let...
  • Irrigation Requirement (ir)

    Water deficit: Let CWN(pl,ph)i be the daily crop water need and efftpi the daily effective precipitation (which is 0mm for daily precipitation < 6.5mm, is 75mm for daily...
  • Dry Days in Rainy Season (ddrs)

    cdo -yearsum -ltc,1 RRmask.nc out.nc Number of dry days in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For ddrs count all days in one year where RRt <...
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