Collaborative Problem Solving in Mixed Reality: A Study on Visual Graph Analy...
This dataset contains the supplementary materials to our publication "Collaborative Problem Solving in Mixed Reality: A Study on Visual Graph Analysis", where we report on a... -
Collaborative Problem Solving in Mixed Reality: A Study on Visual Graph Analy...
This dataset contains the supplementary materials to our publication "Collaborative Problem Solving in Mixed Reality: A Study on Visual Graph Analysis", where we report on a... -
First-Hand Accounts of War: War Letters (1935-1950) from NIOD Digitised
Introduction This dataset collection is created within the context of the digitisation project ‘First-Hand Accounts of War: War Letters (1935-1950) from NIOD Digitised’, that... -
Replication Data for: Analyzing collaborative governance through social netwo...
Until recently, governmental organizations played a dominant and decisive role in natural resource management. However, an increasing number of studies indicate that this... -
Measuring the opinions of family members about their involvement in care
The current dataset contains an instrument to measure the opinions of family members about their level of involvement in nursing care at home (FINC-FO). The instrument was... -
Onderzoek Blauwe Zorg in de Wijk Positieve Gezondheid kent geen grenzen in d...
In 2016 is in 4 lage SES wijken in Maastricht de integrale community aanpak Blauwe Zorg in de Wijk gestart, gebaseerd op het gedachtegoed van Positieve Gezondheid. Met onder... -
So Happy Together A review of the literature on the determinants of effectiv...
Data related to a literature review on the determinants of purpose-oriented networks in health care, including the full library of articles found through database searching,...