Kagome quantum spin liquids - The case of Vesignieite
We aim to explore the groundstate of a new near-perfect S=1/2 kagome antiferromagnetic (KAFM) system using MuSR at the lowest possible temperatures. The title compound is... -
Structural and magnetic studies of the alkali sesquioxides Rb4O6 and Cs4O6
The mixed-valence sesquioxides A4O6 (A = alkali metal) are particularly intriguing magneticmaterials comprising of non-magnetic (O2)2- and magnetic (O2)- anions. Recent... -
A Neutron Diffraction study of the novel layered cuprate IrSr2154Sm1.15Ce0.85...
We have synthesised a novel material IrSr2Sm1.15Ce0.85Cu2O10 . Preliminary magnetic measurements evidence two magnetic transitions at Tc = 125 K and TM2= 6 K. Above Tc however... -
A muSR spectroscopic study of the spin dynamics and reentrant spin-glass tran...
We have recently synthesised the novel iridocuprate IrSr2Sm1.15Ce0.85Cu2O10. This material exhibits a complex temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility with multiple... -
Quantum spin liquids: beyond Herbertsmithite
We aim at exploring the ground state of new Cu2+ S=1/2 kagome compounds, isomorphic to the now-celebrated Herbertsmithite, namely CdCu3(OH)6Cl2 and MgCu3(OH)6Cl2. Due to the...