Replication Data for: A mass-conserving sparse grid combination technique wit...
Replication data for advection, Landau damping, and two-stream instability experiments with mass-conserving basis functions (vs hat functions) in the combination technique. The... -
Replication Data for: Simulation of flow in deformable fractures using a quas...
This repository contains simulation data and postprocessing scripts used in the publication: Schmidt, P., Jaust, A., Steeb, H., Schulte, M.: "Simulation of flow in deformable... -
SG pore condensation example LAMMPS files
Input files to reproduce simulations of some example trajectories of a damaged vesicle undergoing plugging by LLPS droplet condensation at the site of the pore. Three folders... -
Data underlying Figure 3 in the paper 'Topological states in honeycomb arrays...
Data underlying Figure 3. All files are CSV files. For Figs 3(a) and 3(b) each row contains four eigenvalues in columns 2-5 corresponding to a given k-point, with... -
Data underlying Figure 1 in the paper 'Topological states in honeycomb arrays...
FIg 1(a): each line consists of a list of comma-separated 8-tuples corresponding to the eight eigenvalues of the tight-binding Hamiltonian at a particular k-point. The...