Experimental Data for the Dissertation "Leveraging Constraints for User-Centr...
These are the experimental data for the dissertation Bach, Jakob. "Leveraging Constraints for User-Centric Feature Selection" at the Department of Informatics of the Karlsruhe... -
Quantification of Correctness with Palladio and KeY: Case Study Data
In our report, we described a case study where we evaluate our approach for correctness quantification using Palladio and KeY. Here, we publish the corresponding Palladio... -
Experimental Data for the Paper "Finding Optimal Diverse Feature Sets with Al...
These are the experimental data for the third version (v3) of the paper Bach, Jakob. "Finding Optimal Diverse Feature Sets with Alternative Feature Selection" published on... -
Supplementary Material of Elicitation and Classification of Security Requirem...
This supplementary material includes all study material, code, and results of the thesis: Elicitation and Classification of Security Requirements for EVerest by Debora Marettek.... -
Pre-Trained Artificial Intelligence-Aided Analysis of Nanoparticles Using the...
Complex structures can be understood as compositions of smaller, more basic elements. The characterization of these structures requires an analysis of their constituents and... -
The Numerical Scheme of Approximate Inverse for 2D Linear Seismic Imaging - S...
This software package contains the implementation of the approximate inverse for 2D linear seismic imaging with a depth dependent background velocity. The package includes a... -
Software License Ontology
Ontology defining 39 Open Source Software Licenses with their license type (Copyleft. Permissive or Public Domain), their conditions (hasCondition), limitations (hasLimitation),... -
Replication Data for: mmcFoam-v2306
Data for mmcFoam v2306 Test Runs This data set contains different cases for validation of the mmcFoam-v2306 version. While tested for mmcFoam-2306 and OpenFOAM-v2306 they serve... -
Replication Data for: mmcDNSFoam v2406
Validation Data for mmcDNSFoam This data set contains the DNS and LES cases for the double shear layer setup used to validate the mmcDNSFoam solver of the mmcFoam v2406... -
Replication Data for: mmcDropletSprayFoam v2406
Validation Data for mmcDropletSprayFoam This data set contains the DNS and LES cases for the double shear layer setup used to validate the mmcDropletSprayFoam solver of the... -
BayesValidRox 1.1.0
Release 1.1.0 of BayesValidRox. BayesValidRox is an open-source python package that provides methods for surrogate modeling, Bayesian inference and model comparison.... -
Datensätze und Modelle zur Dissertation Kamerabasierte Topologieschätzung zur...
Datensätze und Modelle zur Dissertation Kamerabasierte Topologieschätzung zur roboterbasierten Handhabung von verzweigten Leitungssätzen. In den Daten sind Rohdaten mit... -
Replication Package for "Digital Twins for Machine Tools: A Systematic Mappin...
Replication package for the paper "Digital Twins for Machine Tools: A Systematic Mapping Study". It includes the meta data of all considered literature. -
ApHIN - Autoencoder-based port-Hamiltonian Identification Networks (Software ...
Software package for data-driven identification of latent port-Hamiltonian systems. Abstract Conventional physics-based modeling techniques involve high effort, e.g.~time and... -
Floor Type Detection Dataset
Dataset for Floor Type Detection of the Robot Dog Unitree Go1 Edu. Details can be found in the seperate report. !!Privacy Statement!! This dataset is made available for... -
DuMux 3.9.0
Release 3.9.0 of DuMux, DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media. DuMux is a free and open-source simulator for flow and... -
Supplemental Material for "Power Overwhelming: The One With the Oscilloscopes"
Supplemental Material for "Power Overwhelming: The One With the Oscilloscopes". Contains the aggregated energy consumption data from the experiments in the paper. The... -
Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Mining in 3D and Virtual Reality Environme...
Here, we summarise available data and source code regarding the publication "Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Mining in 3D and Virtual Reality Environments with VR-Omics".... -
Research Data: "APL@voro—interactive visualization and analysis of cell membr...
Here, we summarise available data and source code regarding the publication "APL@voro—interactive visualization and analysis of cell membrane simulations". Abstract... -
Replication Data for: SCAP 2024 Robotic Wiring Harness Bin Picking
Replication Data for: SCAP 2024 Robotic Wiring Harness Bin Picking. 4K Images from 3 Camera Perspectives including Annotation data for Reproduction of the Learning for the ML...