Survey on the Size and Structure of the Swiss Occupational Therapy Workforce
In order to plan and implement effective measures to counter staff shortages among OTs in Switzerland, empirical data on the size and structure of the Swiss occupational therapy... -
Die Eigentümerinnen und Eigentümer des Schweizer Waldes. Daten einer repräsen...
In this project attitudes, goals and motives of private and public forest owners in Switzerland concerning their forest have been expored by an qunatitative survey. Basierend... -
ISSP Module on "The Role of Government III", Switzerland, Teilreplikation - 1996
Advancing globalization, expansion of the service sector, and the rapid spread of new technology on the job are bringing about rapid changes in working life. The goals of the... -
Nahtstellenbarometer 2018 Umfragen Unternehmen
Dal 1997 al 2017, la SEFRI ha utilizzato il Barometro dell'apprendistato per determinare la situazione del mercato dell'apprendistato due volte l'anno attraverso sondaggi tra le... -
Der Zusammenhang zwischen demografischem Wandel und Fachkräftemangel: Eine Un...
According to the most recent population forecasts for Switzerland (Bundesamt für Statistik 2015), the share of old-age dependants (older than 65 years) relative to the working... -
Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt-Gesamtsurvey - 1998
Advancing globalization, expansion of the service sector, and the rapid spread of new technology on the job are bringing about rapid changes in working life. The goals of the... -
Temporary agency work in Switzerland - Daily Diary Data
We collected multilingual daily diary data from blue-collar temporary agency workers in Switzerland between 2021 and 2023. The study consisted of two parts. First, participants... -
Enquête Parcours Professionnels - Vague 2 2013
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Befragung von Journalisten in der deutschen- und französischen Schweiz - 1998
Representative data on key socio-demographic and occupational variables of Swiss journalists were collected in this study. It was investigated whether and how economic,... -
Kenntnisse, Erfahrungen und Haltungen von Personalverantwortlichen im Hinblic...
The evaluation mandate is based on a motion by National Councilor Vreni Hubmann (02.3142). Hubmann demanded that retaliatory firing in private law employment relationships... -
Qualitative interviews on paternity leaves in Lausanne - 2012
Switzerland is one of the few European countries that have not implemented parental leave policies (parental or paternity leave). However, in the last decade the issue has been... -
Die Schlichtungsfälle im Bereich des Gleichstellungsgesetzes in der Schweiz -...
The evaluation mandate is based on a motion by National Councilor Vreni Hubmann (02.3142). Hubmann demanded that retaliatory firing in private law employment relationships... -
La situation du corps intermédiaire dans les hautes écoles suisses - 1996.
Dans l'objectif de donner une vue d'ensemble des perspectives et problèmes propres au corps intermédiaire (CI) pouvant informer la planification universitaire et la politique de... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for... -
Nahtstellenbarometer 2021 Umfrage Jugendliche und Unternehmen
Dal 1997 al 2017, la SEFRI ha utilizzato il Barometro dell'apprendistato per determinare la situazione del mercato dell'apprendistato due volte l'anno attraverso sondaggi tra le... -
Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC)
The SNSF Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC) study tracks the careers of applicants for the postdoctoral career funding schemes of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). These... -
Zur Situation des Personals in der schweizerischen Langzeitpflege -2002
This research project examines the working and wage conditions of staff in long-term care in Switzerland. It is financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The project... -
Schweizer Human-Relations Barometer 2014
The Swiss HR Barometer is a joint project run by the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and University of Lucerne. It is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and it has... -
Professional Paths Survey (ProPaS), Life Calendar module
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Befragung von Erwerbstätigen zu Werthaltungen, Arbeitstätigkeit sowie Vorstel...
The study covered the perceptions and wishes of the active population of Switzerland with regard to the organization of work and working hours. It allows for an analysis of...