Relative abundance of radiolarian from different cores in the Pacific Ocean
Radiolarian census counts (in relative abundance) and environmental data from 801 core-tops distributed across the Pacific Ocean (mmn8). -
Radiolarian relative abundance and opal and radiolarian accumulation rate fro...
A high-resolution record of radiolarian assemblages from Site U1314 was studied to reconstruct hydrographic and climatic changes in the North Atlantic Ocean during the... -
Core-top radiolarian abundances and environmental data from the western Pacif...
Radiolarians are a very diverse microzooplanktonic group, often distributed in regionally restricted assemblages and responding to specific environmental factors. These... -
(Appendix A) Radiolarian abundances in ODP Hole 175-1084A
The changing composition of radiolarian faunas from late Neogene deep-sea sediments has been used in recent years as a proxy for changes in marine paleoproductivity. We examine... -
Radiolaria abundance of Hole 29-278
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Radiolaria abundance of Hole 29-278
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
(Table T1) Census counts of radiolarian taxa in ODP Hole 175-1082A
Abundance: A = abundant; >10,000 specimens on a slide. C = common; 1001-10,000 specimens on a slide. F = few; 501-1000 specimens on a slide. R = rare; 11-500 specimens on a... -
(Table T1) Radiolaria abundance of ODP Hole 175-1082A
A primary objective of Leg 175 was to investigate the upwelling history of the Benguela Current. Upwelling along the coast is found over the shelf in several well-established... -
Fossil occurrence of radiolarians from IODP Hole 316-C0008C
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor) -
Fossil occurrence of radiolarians from IODP Hole 316-C0008B
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor) -
Fossil occurrence of radiolarians from IODP Hole 316-C0008A
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor) -
Fossil occurrence of radiolarians from IODP Hole 316-C0006E
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor) -
Fossil occurrence of radiolarians from IODP Hole 316-C0004C
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor) -
(Table 4) Radiolarians in ODP Hole 113-689B
Species abundances: A = abundant (>50 % of total assemblage), C = common (15-50 %) F = few (3-15 %), R = rare (1-3 %), T = trace (<1 %). -
(Table 2) Stratigraphic occurrences of radiolarian species in early to middle...
Species abundance: A = abundant (>50% of total assemblage), C = common (15-50%), F = few (3-15%), R = rare (1-3%), T = trace (<1%), - = absent -
Relative abundance of radiolaria of sediment core PS2498-1
This dataset has no description
Relative abundance of radiolaria of sediment core PS1768-8
This dataset has no description
(Appendix A) Radiolarian abundances in sediment core MD96-2086
Ages are from the age model of Bertrand et al. (2002, doi:10.1016/S0025-3227(01)00216-X) based on the benthic oxygen-isotope record measured on Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi -
Southern Ocean RADiolarian dataset (SO-RAD)
Radiolarians (holoplanktonic Protozoa) found in marine sediments are commonly used in Southern Ocean as palaeoclimate proxies. Generating such reconstructions of past climate... -
(Appendix A) Radiolarian abundance in ODP Hole 202-1241A
A quantitative radiolarian study at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1241 in the eastern tropical Pacific enables us to reconstruct paleoceanographic changes that occurred since the...